Local detailed balance
Christian Maes
SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 32 (2021) · published 6 July 2021
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhysLectNotes.32
- Submissions/Reports
We review the physical meaning and mathematical implementation of the condition of local detailed balance for a class of nonequilibrium mesoscopic processes. A central concept is that of fluctuating entropy flux for which the steady average gives the mean entropy production rate. We repeat how local detailed balance is essentially equivalent to the widely discussed fluctuation relations for that entropy flux and hence is at most "only half of the story."
PB - SciPost Foundation
DO - 10.21468/SciPostPhysLectNotes.32
TI - Local detailed balance
PY - 2021/07/06
UR - https://www.scipost.org/SciPostPhysLectNotes.32
JF - SciPost Physics Lecture Notes
JA - SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes
SP - 32
A1 - Maes, Christian
AB - We review the physical meaning and mathematical implementation of the condition of local detailed balance for a class of nonequilibrium mesoscopic processes. A central concept is that of fluctuating entropy flux for which the steady average gives the mean entropy production rate. We repeat how local detailed balance is essentially equivalent to the widely discussed fluctuation relations for that entropy flux and hence is at most "only half of the story."
ER -
title={{Local detailed balance}},
author={Christian Maes},
journal={SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes},
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