Ising quantum chain
Gaussian-state Ansatz for the non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum spin lattices
by Raphaël Menu, Tommaso Roscilde,
SciPost Phys. 14, 151 (2023) -
Relaxation of the order-parameter statistics in the Ising quantum chain
by Mario Collura,
SciPost Phys. 7, 072 (2019)
Submissions (unpublished only)
The quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism: the role of boundary conditions, endpoints and kink types
by Jose Soto Garcia, Natalia Chepiga
(submitted 2025-01-07 to SciPost Physics) -
Simulation of the 1d XY model on a quantum computer
by Marc Farreras, Alba Cervera-Lierta
(submitted 2024-12-12 to SciPost Physics)
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