Anti-holomorphic modes in vortex lattices
Brook J. Hocking, Thomas Machon
SciPost Phys. 14, 080 (2023) · published 24 April 2023
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.14.4.080
- Submissions/Reports
A continuum theory of linearized Helmholtz-Kirchoff point vortex dynamics about a steadily rotating lattice state is developed by two separate methods: firstly by a direct procedure, secondly by taking the long-wavelength limit of Tkachenko's exact solution for a triangular vortex lattice. Solutions to the continuum theory are found, described by arbitrary anti-holomorphic functions, and give power-law localized edge modes. Numerical results for finite lattices show excellent agreement to the theory.
Authors / Affiliation: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 Brook J. Hocking,
- 1 Thomas Machon
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