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Integrable deformations of superintegrable quantum circuits

Tamás Gombor, Balázs Pozsgay

SciPost Phys. 16, 114 (2024) · published 26 April 2024


Superintegrable models are very special dynamical systems: they possess more conservation laws than what is necessary for integrability. This severely constrains their dynamical processes, and it often leads to their exact solvability, even in non-equilibrium situations. In this paper we consider special Hamiltonian deformations of superintegrable quantum circuits. The deformations break superintegrability, but they preserve integrability. We focus on a selection of concrete models and show that for each model there is an (at least) one parameter family of integrable deformations. Our most interesting example is the so-called Rule54 model. We show that the model is compatible with a one parameter family of Yang-Baxter integrable spin chains with six-site interaction. Therefore, the Rule54 model does not have a unique integrability structure, instead it lies at the intersection of a family of quantum integrable models.

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