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Efficient adaptive Bayesian estimation of a slowly fluctuating Overhauser field gradient

Jacob Benestad, Jan A. Krzywda, Evert van Nieuwenburg, Jeroen Danon

SciPost Phys. 17, 014 (2024) · published 16 July 2024


Slow fluctuations of Overhauser fields are an important source for decoherence in spin qubits hosted in III-V semiconductor quantum dots. Focusing on the effect of the field gradient on double-dot singlet-triplet qubits, we present two adaptive Bayesian schemes to estimate the magnitude of the gradient by a series of free induction decay experiments. We concentrate on reducing the computational overhead, with a real-time implementation of the schemes in mind. We show how it is possible to achieve a significant improvement of estimation accuracy compared to more traditional estimation methods. We include an analysis of the effects of dephasing and the drift of the gradient itself.

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