Solution of Baxter equation for the $q$-Toda and Toda$_2$ chains by NLIE
Olivier Babelon, Karol K. Kozlowski, Vincent Pasquier
SciPost Phys. 5, 035 (2018) · published 18 October 2018
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.5.4.035
- Submissions/Reports
We construct a basis of solutions of the scalar $\boldsymbol{ \texttt{t} }- \boldsymbol{ \texttt{Q} }$ equation describing the spectrum of the $q$-Toda and Toda$_2$ chains by using auxiliary non-linear integral equations. Our construction allows us to provide quantisation conditions for the spectra of these models in the form of thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz-like equations.
Cited by 3

Authors / Affiliations: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 Olivier Babelon,
- 2 Karol Kozlowski,
- 3 Vincent Pasquier
- 1 Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 [UCBL]
- 2 Sorbonne Université / Sorbonne University
- 3 Université Paris-Saclay / University of Paris-Saclay
Funder for the research work leading to this publication