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Non-equilibrium quantum transport in presence of a defect: the non-interacting case

Marko Ljubotina, Spyros Sotiriadis, Tomaž Prosen

SciPost Phys. 6, 004 (2019) · published 10 January 2019


We study quantum transport after an inhomogeneous quantum quench in a free fermion lattice system in the presence of a localised defect. Using a new rigorous analytical approach for the calculation of large time and distance asymptotics of physical observables, we derive the exact profiles of particle density and current. Our analysis shows that the predictions of a semiclassical approach that has been extensively applied in similar problems match exactly with the correct asymptotics, except for possible finite distance corrections close to the defect. We generalise our formulas to an arbitrary non-interacting particle-conserving defect, expressing them in terms of its scattering properties.

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Free fermions Localized defects Quantum quenches

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