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Foliated field theory and string-membrane-net condensation picture of fracton order

Kevin Slagle, David Aasen, Dominic Williamson

SciPost Phys. 6, 043 (2019) · published 12 April 2019


Foliated fracton order is a qualitatively new kind of phase of matter. It is similar to topological order, but with the fundamental difference that a layered structure, referred to as a foliation, plays an essential role and determines the mobility restrictions of the topological excitations. In this work, we introduce a new kind of field theory to describe these phases: a foliated field theory. We also introduce a new lattice model and string-membrane-net condensation picture of these phases, which is analogous to the string-net condensation picture of topological order.

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Emergent phases Topological phase transitions

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