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A localization transition underlies the mode-coupling crossover of glasses

Daniele Coslovich, Andrea Ninarello, Ludovic Berthier

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SciPost Phys. 7, 077 (2019) · published 6 December 2019


We study the equilibrium statistical properties of the potential energy landscape of several glass models in a temperature regime so far inaccessible to computer simulations. We show that unstable modes of the stationary points undergo a localization transition in real space close to the mode-coupling crossover temperature determined from the dynamics. The concentration of localized unstable modes found at low temperature is a non-universal, finite dimensional feature not captured by mean-field glass theory. Our analysis reconciles, and considerably expands, previous conflicting numerical results and provides a characteristic temperature for glassy dynamics that unambiguously locates the mode-coupling crossover.

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Glasses Mean-field theory (MFT)

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