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Dynamics of hot Bose-Einstein condensates: stochastic Ehrenfest relations for number and energy damping

Rob G. McDonald, Peter S. Barnett, Fradom Atayee, Ashton S. Bradley

SciPost Phys. 8, 029 (2020) · published 18 February 2020


Describing partially-condensed Bose gases poses a long-standing theoretical challenge. We present exact stochastic Ehrenfest relations for the stochastic projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation, including both number and energy damping mechanisms, and all projector terms that arise from the energy cutoff separating system from reservoir. We test the theory by applying it to the centre of mass fluctuations of a harmonically trapped prolate system, finding close agreement between c-field simulations and analytical results. The formalism lays the foundation to analytically explore experimentally accessible hot Bose-Einstein condensates.

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Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) Damping

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