Interacting edge states of fermionic symmetry-protected topological phases in two dimensions
Joseph Sullivan, Meng Cheng
SciPost Phys. 9, 016 (2020) · published 5 August 2020
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.9.2.016
- Submissions/Reports
Recently, it has been found that there exist symmetry-protected topological phases of fermions, which have no realizations in non-interacting fermionic systems or bosonic models. We study the edge states of such an intrinsically interacting fermionic SPT phase in two spatial dimensions, protected by $\mathbb{Z}_4\times\mathbb{Z}_2^T$ symmetry. We model the edge Hilbert space by replacing the internal $\mathbb{Z}_4$ symmetry with a spatial translation symmetry, and design an exactly solvable Hamiltonian for the edge model. We show that at low-energy the edge can be described by a two-component Luttinger liquid, with nontrivial symmetry transformations that can only be realized in strongly interacting systems. We further demonstrate the symmetry-protected gaplessness under various perturbations, and the bulk-edge correspondence in the theory.
Cited by 7
Authors / Affiliation: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 Joseph Sullivan,
- 1 Meng Cheng