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An optimal observable for color singlet identification

Andy Buckley, Giuseppe Callea, Andrew J. Larkoski, Simone Marzani

SciPost Phys. 9, 026 (2020) · published 26 August 2020


We present a novel approach to construct a color tagger, i.e. an observable that is able to discriminate the decay of a color-singlet into two jets from a two-jet background in a different color configuration. We do this by explicitly taking the ratio of the corresponding leading-order matrix elements in the soft limit, thus obtaining an observable that is provably optimal within our approximation. We call this observable the "jet color ring" and we compare its performance to other color-sensitive observables such as jet pull and dipolarity. We also assess the performance of the jet color ring in simulations by applying it to the case of the hadronic decays of a boosted Higgs boson and of an electroweak boson.

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Higgs boson Jets Tagging

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