The derivative expansion in asymptotically safe quantum gravity: general setup and quartic order
Benjamin Knorr
SciPost Phys. Core 4, 020 (2021) · published 9 September 2021
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhysCore.4.3.020
- Submissions/Reports
We present a general framework to systematically study the derivative expansion of asymptotically safe quantum gravity. It is based on an exact decoupling and cancellation of different modes in the Landau limit, and implements a correct mode count as well as a regularisation based on geometrical considerations. It is applicable independent of the truncation order. To illustrate the power of the framework, we discuss the quartic order of the derivative expansion and its fixed point structure as well as physical implications.
Cited by 31
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Funders for the research work leading to this publication
- Gouvernement du Canada / Government of Canada
- Ministry of Research and Innovation (Canada, Ontario, Min Res&Innov) (through Organization: Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science - Ontario [MRIS])