Sakineh Mizani, Martin Oettel, Péter Gurin, Szabolcs Varga
SciPost Phys. Core 8, 008 (2025) ·
published 24 January 2025
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We study equilibrium states and ordering regimes of a quasi-one-dimensional system of hard superdisks (anisotropic particles interpolating between disks and squares) where the centers of the particles are constrained to move on a line. A continuous change from a quasi-isotropic to a tetratic regime is found upon increasing the density. Somewhat unexpected, for isobaric states, systems with larger and more anisotropic particles in the tetratic regime are denser than systems with smaller and less anisotropic particles in a quasi-isotropic regime. Close packing behaviour is characterised by exponents describing the behaviour of the pressure, the angular fluctuations and the angular correlation length. We obtain two universal, shape-independent relations between them.
SciPost Phys. 6, 025 (2019) ·
published 26 February 2019
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We use machine learning methods to approximate a classical density functional. As a study case, we choose the model problem of a Lennard Jones fluid in one dimension where there is no exact solution available and training data sets must be obtained from simulations. After separating the excess free energy functional into a "repulsive" and an "attractive" part, machine learning finds a functional in weighted density form for the attractive part. The density profile at a hard wall shows good agreement for thermodynamic conditions beyond the training set conditions. This also holds for the equation of state if it is evaluated near the training temperature. We discuss the applicability to problems in higher dimensions.