Kenny Choo, Bastien Lapierre, Clemens Kuhlenkamp, Apoorv Tiwari, Titus Neupert, Ramasubramanian Chitra
SciPost Phys. 13, 104 (2022) ·
published 4 November 2022
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We study the dissipative dynamics of a periodically driven inhomogeneous critical lattice model in one dimension. The closed system dynamics starting from pure initial states is well-described by a driven Conformal Field Theory (CFT), which predicts the existence of both heating and non-heating phases in such systems. Heating is inhomogeneous and is manifested via the emergence of black-hole like horizons in the system. The robustness of this CFT phenomenology when considering thermal initial states and open systems remains elusive. First, we present analytical results for the Floquet CFT time evolution for thermal initial states. Moreover, using exact calculations of the time evolution of the lattice density matrix, we demonstrate that for short and intermediate times, the closed system phase diagram comprising heating and non-heating phases, persists for thermal initial states on the lattice. Secondly, in the fully open system with boundary dissipators, we show that the nontrivial spatial structure of the heating phase survives particle-conserving and non-conserving dissipations through clear signatures in mutual information and energy density evolution.
Kevin Zhang, Samuel Lederer, Kenny Choo, Titus Neupert, Giuseppe Carleo, Eun-Ah Kim
SciPost Phys. 13, 063 (2022) ·
published 23 September 2022
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Variational approaches are among the most powerful techniques to approximately solve quantum many-body problems. These encompass both variational states based on tensor or neural networks, and parameterized quantum circuits in variational quantum eigensolvers. However, self-consistent evaluation of the quality of variational wavefunctions is a notoriously hard task. Using a recently developed Hamiltonian reconstruction method, we propose a multi-faceted approach to evaluating the quality of neural-network based wavefunctions. Specifically, we consider convolutional neural network (CNN) and restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) states trained on a square lattice spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg model. We find that the reconstructed Hamiltonians are typically less frustrated, and have easy-axis anisotropy near the high frustration point. In addition, the reconstructed Hamiltonians suppress quantum fluctuations in the large J2 limit. Our results highlight the critical importance of the wavefunction's symmetry. Moreover, the multi-faceted insight from the Hamiltonian reconstruction reveals that a variational wave function can fail to capture the true ground state through suppression of quantum fluctuations.