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Average Publication Expenditures

These tables display how our total yearly expenses are ascribed to publishing activities in our Journals, the purpose being to determine the average expenditure per publication which we have achieved.

N.B.: these numbers are indicative only (accurate to 3 digits); see our yearly financial reports for a fully detailed breakdown of our expenses.

(in progress)
Journal Nr of publications Expenditure per publication Total expenditures
SciPostPhys 32 (in progress) (in progress)
SciPostPhysCore 8 (in progress) (in progress)
SciPostPhysCodeb 8 (in progress) (in progress)
Total publishing expenditures (in progress)
Journal Nr of publications Expenditure per publication Total expenditures
SciPostPhys 327 800 261600
SciPostPhysCore 82 800 65600
SciPostPhysLectNotes 12 1200 14400
SciPostPhysProc 31 400 12400
SciPostPhysCodeb 38 800 30400
SciPostPhysCommRep 4 800 3200
SciPostAstro 1 600 600
SciPostChem 1 400 400
MigPol 5 400 2000
Total publishing expenditures 390600
Journal Nr of publications Expenditure per publication Total expenditures
SciPostPhys 427 495 211365
SciPostPhysCore 88 495 43560
SciPostPhysLectNotes 12 742 8904
SciPostPhysProc 187 247 46189
SciPostPhysCodeb 28 495 13860
SciPostChem 2 495 990
MigPol 4 495 1980
Total publishing expenditures 326848
Journal Nr of publications Expenditure per publication Total expenditures
SciPostPhys 331 444 146964
SciPostPhysCore 53 444 23532
SciPostPhysLectNotes 31 665 20615
SciPostPhysProc 286 222 63492
SciPostPhysCodeb 18 444 7992
SciPostAstro 2 444 888
SciPostChem 2 444 888
MigPol 5 444 2220
Total publishing expenditures 266591
Journal Nr of publications Expenditure per publication Total expenditures
SciPostPhys 265 642 170130
SciPostPhysCore 33 600 19800
SciPostPhysLectNotes 14 900 12600
SciPostPhysProc 45 300 13500
SciPostAstroCore 1 400 400
SciPostChem 3 470 1410
Total publishing expenditures 217840
Journal Nr of publications Expenditure per publication Total expenditures
SciPostPhys 187 620 115940
SciPostPhysCore 27 620 16740
SciPostPhysLectNotes 9 930 8370
SciPostPhysProc 57 300 17100
SciPostAstro 1 620 620
Total publishing expenditures 158770
Journal Nr of publications Expenditure per publication Total expenditures
SciPostPhys 160 440 70400
SciPostPhysCore 2 440 880
SciPostPhysLectNotes 5 660 3300
SciPostPhysProc 55 220 12100
Total publishing expenditures 86680
Journal Nr of publications Expenditure per publication Total expenditures
SciPostPhys 111 730 81030
SciPostPhysLectNotes 6 1095 6570
Total publishing expenditures 87600
Journal Nr of publications Expenditure per publication Total expenditures
SciPostPhys 65 321 20865
Total publishing expenditures 20865
Journal Nr of publications Expenditure per publication Total expenditures
SciPostPhys 16 274 4384
Total publishing expenditures 4384