Density matrix renormalization group (DMRG)
Nonlocal order parameter of pair superfluids
by Nitya Cuzzuol, Luca Barbiero, Arianna Montorsi,
SciPost Phys. Core 8, 020 (2025) -
$\mathbb{Z}_4$ transitions in quantum loop models on a zig-zag ladder
by Bowy M. La Rivière, Natalia Chepiga,
SciPost Phys. 17, 144 (2024) -
Codebase release 1.0 for TeNPy
by Johannes Hauschild, Jakob Unfried, Sajant Anand, Bartholomew Andrews, Marcus Bintz, Umberto Borla, Stefan Divic, Markus Drescher, Jan Geiger, Martin Hefel, Kévin Hémery, Wilhelm Kadow, Jack Kemp, Nico Kirchner, Vincent S. Liu, Gunnar Möller, Daniel Parker, Michael Rader, Anton Romen, Samuel Scalet, Leon Schoonderwoerd, Maximilian Schulz, Tomohiro Soejima, Philipp Thoma, Yantao Wu, Philip Zechmann, Ludwig Zweng, Roger S. K. Mong, Michael P. Zaletel, Frank Pollmann,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 41-r1.0 (2024) -
Tensor network Python (TeNPy) version 1
by Johannes Hauschild, Jakob Unfried, Sajant Anand, Bartholomew Andrews, Marcus Bintz, Umberto Borla, Stefan Divic, Markus Drescher, Jan Geiger, Martin Hefel, Kévin Hémery, Wilhelm Kadow, Jack Kemp, Nico Kirchner, Vincent S. Liu, Gunnar Möller, Daniel Parker, Michael Rader, Anton Romen, Samuel Scalet, Leon Schoonderwoerd, Maximilian Schulz, Tomohiro Soejima, Philipp Thoma, Yantao Wu, Philip Zechmann, Ludwig Zweng, Roger S. K. Mong, Michael P. Zaletel, Frank Pollmann,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 41 (2024) -
Entanglement Hamiltonian and effective temperature of non-Hermitian quantum spin ladders
by Pei-Yun Yang, Yu-Chin Tzeng,
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 074 (2024) -
Dimer description of the SU(4) antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice
by Anna Keselman, Lucile Savary, Leon Balents,
SciPost Phys. 8, 076 (2020) -
Domain wall problem in the quantum XXZ chain and semiclassical behavior close to the isotropic point
by Grégoire Misguich, Nicolas Pavloff, Vincent Pasquier,
SciPost Phys. 7, 025 (2019) -
The Tensor Networks Anthology: Simulation techniques for many-body quantum lattice systems
by Pietro Silvi, Ferdinand Tschirsich, Matthias Gerster, Johannes Jünemann, Daniel Jaschke, Matteo Rizzi, Simone Montangero,
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DMRG investigation of constrained models: from quantum dimer and quantum loop ladders to hard-boson and Fibonacci anyon chains
by Natalia Chepiga, Frédéric Mila,
SciPost Phys. 6, 033 (2019) -
The Inhomogeneous Gaussian Free Field, with application to ground state correlations of trapped 1d Bose gases
by Yannis Brun, Jérôme Dubail,
SciPost Phys. 4, 037 (2018) -
Universal Entanglement Dynamics following a Local Quench
by Romain Vasseur, Hubert Saleur,
SciPost Phys. 3, 001 (2017)
Submissions (unpublished only)
Self-congruent point in critical matrix product states: An effective field theory for finite-entanglement scaling
by Jan T. Schneider, Atsushi Ueda, Yifan Liu, Andreas M. Läuchli, Masaki Oshikawa, Luca Tagliacozzo
(submitted 2024-11-27 to SciPost Physics)
Top experts
- Anand, Dr Sajant
- Andrews, Dr Bartholomew
- Balents, Prof. Leon
- Barbiero, Dr Luca
- Bintz, Dr Marcus
- Borla, Mr Umberto
- Brun, Mr Yannis
- Chepiga, Dr Natalia
- Cuzzuol, Mr Nitya
- Divic, Dr Stefan
- Drescher, Dr Markus
- Dubail, Dr Jerome
- Geiger, Dr Jan
- Gerster, Dr Matthias
- Hauschild, Mr Johannes
- Hefel, Dr Martin
- Hémery, Prof. Kévin
- Jaschke, Dr Daniel
- Jünemann, Mr Johannes
- Kadow, Dr Wilhelm
- Kemp, Mr Jack
- Keselman, Dr Anna
- Kirchner, Dr Nico
- La Riviere, Mr Bowy
- Liu, Dr Vincent S.
- Mila, Prof. Frédéric
- Misguich, Dr Grégoire
- Moller, Dr Gunnar
- Mong, Mr Roger
- Montangero, Prof. Simone
- Montorsi, Prof. Arianna
- Parker, Mr Daniel
- Pasquier, Prof. Vincent
- Pavloff, Prof. Nicolas
- Pollmann, Prof. Frank
- Rader, Dr Michael
- Rizzi, Prof. Matteo
- Romen, Mr Anton
- Saleur, Prof. Hubert
- Savary, Dr Lucile
- Scalet, Dr Samuel
- Schoonderwoerd, Dr Leon
- Schulz, Dr Maximilian
- Silvi, Dr Pietro
- Soejima, Dr Tomohiro
- Thoma, Dr Philipp
- Tschirsich, Mr Ferdinand
- Tzeng, Dr Yu-Chin
- Unfried, Mr Jakob
- Vasseur, Dr Romain
- Wu, Dr Yantao
- Yang, Dr Pei-Yun
- Zaletel, Prof. Mike
- Zechmann, Dr Philip
- Zweng, Dr Ludwig