Fractons on curved spacetime in 2 + 1 dimensions
by Jelle Hartong, Giandomenico Palumbo, Simon Pekar, Alfredo Perez, Stefan Prohazka,
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SciPost Phys. 7, 068 (2019) -
Spectral response of Josephson junctions with low-energy quasiparticles
by Anna Keselman, Chaitanya Murthy, Bernard van Heck, Bela Bauer,
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Entanglement in a fermion chain under continuous monitoring
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Entanglement evolution and generalised hydrodynamics: interacting integrable systems
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SciPost Phys. 7, 005 (2019) -
Quantum robustness and phase transitions of the 3D Toric Code in a field
by David A. Reiss, Kai Phillip Schmidt,
SciPost Phys. 6, 078 (2019) -
Hydrodynamics of the interacting Bose gas in the Quantum Newton Cradle setup
by Jean-Sébastien Caux, Benjamin Doyon, Jérôme Dubail, Robert Konik, Takato Yoshimura,
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Diffusion in generalized hydrodynamics and quasiparticle scattering
by Jacopo De Nardis, Denis Bernard, Benjamin Doyon,
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Non-equilibrium quasiparticles in superconducting circuits: photons vs. phonons
by Gianluigi Catelani, Denis M. Basko,
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Spreading of entanglement and correlations after a quench with intertwined quasiparticles
by Alvise Bastianello, Pasquale Calabrese,
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Generalized hydrodynamics of classical integrable field theory: the sinh-Gordon model
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Quasiparticles of widely tuneable inertial mass: The dispersion relation of atomic Josephson vortices and related solitary waves
by Sophie S. Shamailov, Joachim Brand,
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Entanglement dynamics after quantum quenches in generic integrable systems
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How SU(2)$_4$ Anyons are Z$_3$ Parafermions
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Emergence of quasiparticle Bloch states in artificial crystals crafted atom-by-atom
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Submissions (unpublished only)
A Large-$N$ Approach to Magnetic Impurities in Superconductors
by Chen-How Huang, Alejandro M. Lobos, Miguel A. Cazalilla
(submitted 2025-01-21 to SciPost Physics) -
The asymmetric Fermi surface of Bi2201
by Steef Smit, Kourosh Lwydd Shirkoohi, Saumya Mukherjee, Sergio Barquero Pierantoni, Lewis Bawden, Erik van Heumen, Arnaud Pastel Nono Tchiomo, Jans Henke, Jasper van Wezel, Ying Kai Huang, Takeshi Kondo, Tsunehiro Takeuchi, Timur K. Kim, Cephise Cacho, Marta Zonno, Sergey Gorovikov, Stephen Brian Dugdale, Jorge Ismael Facio, Mariia Roslova, Laura Folkers, Anna Isaeva, Nigel Edward Hussey, Mark Stephen Golden
(submitted 2024-12-04 to SciPost Physics)
Top experts
- Alba, Dr Vincenzo
- Basko, Dr Denis M.
- Bastianello, Dr Alvise
- Bauer, Dr Bela
- Bernard, Prof. Denis
- Bertini, Dr Bruno
- Brand, Prof. Joachim
- Calabrese, Prof. Pasquale
- Cao, Dr Xiangyu
- Catelani, Dr Gianluigi
- Caux, Prof. Jean-Sébastien
- Collura, Prof. Mario
- De Luca, Dr Andrea
- De Nardis, Dr Jacopo
- Doyon, Prof. Benjamin
- Dubail, Dr Jerome
- Fagotti, Dr Maurizio
- Fahrenfort, Dr Eleonora
- Fern, Mr Richard
- Fernández-Rossier, Dr Joaquín
- Girovsky, Dr Jan
- Hartong, Dr Jelle
- Kalff, Mr Floris
- Keselman, Dr Anna
- Kombe, Dr Johannes
- Konik, Dr Robert M.
- Lado, Prof. Jose L.
- Meng, Dr Tobias
- Murthy, Mr Chaitanya
- Otte, Dr Sander
- Palumbo, Dr Giandomenico
- Pekar, Dr Simon
- Perez, Prof. Alfredo
- Peters, Dr Lucas
- Prem, Dr Abhinav
- Prohazka, Dr Stefan
- Reiss, Mr David A.
- Schmidt, Prof. Kai Phillip
- Shamailov, Dr Sophie
- Simon, Prof. Steven
- Tilloy, Prof. Antoine
- Watts, Prof. Gérard M. T.
- Williamson, Dr Dominic
- Yoshimura, Dr Takato
- turker, Mr oguz
- van Heck, Dr Bernard