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Dark sector studies with the PADME experiment

Anna Paola Caricato, Maurizio Martino, Isabella Oceano, Federica Oliva, Stefania Spagnolo, Gabriele Chiodini, Fabio Bossi, Riccardo De Sangro, Claudio Di Giulio, Danilo Domenici, Giuseppe Finocchiaro, Luca Gennaro Foggetta, Marco Garattini, Andrea Ghigo, Federica Giacchino, Paola Gianotti, Tommaso Spadaro, Eleuterio Spiriti, Clara Taruggi, Elisabetta Vilucchi, Venelin Kozhuharov, Simeon Ivanov, Sevtoslav Ivanov, Radoslav Simeonov, Georgi Georgiev, Fabio Ferrarotto, Emanuele Leonardi, Paolo Valente, Elizabeth Long, Giovanni Organtini, Gabriele Piperno, Mauro Raggi, Salvatore Fiore, Paolo Branchini, Diego Tagnani, Vittoria Capirossi, Federico Pinna, Andre Frankenthal

SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 050 (2023) · published 4 July 2023

Proceedings event

14th International Conference on Identification of Dark Matter


The Positron Annihilation to Dark Matter Experiment (PADME) uses the positron beam of the DA$\Phi$NE Beam-Test Facility, at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) to search for a Dark Photon $A'$. The search technique studies the missing mass spectrum of single-photon final states in $e^+e^-\rightarrow A'\gamma$ annihilation in a positron-on-thin-target experiment. This approach facilitates searches for new particles such as long lived Axion-Like-Particles, protophobic X bosons and Dark Higgs. This talk illustrated the scientific program of the experiment and its first physics results. In particular, the measurement of the cross-section of the SM process $e^+e^-\rightarrow \gamma\gamma$ at $\sqrt{s}$=21 MeV was shown.

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