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Gluon saturation in proton and its contribution to single inclusive soft gluon production in high energy proton-nucleus collisions

Ming Li

SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 162 (2022) · published 14 July 2022

Proceedings event

28th Annual Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and Related Subjects


The leading order single inclusive soft gluon production in high energy proton-nucleus (pA) collisions has been studied by various approaches for more than two decades. The first correction due to the gluon saturation in proton was analytically attempted recently through a diagrammatic approach in which only partial results were obtained. An important feature of the first saturation correction is that it includes both initial state and final state interactions. In this paper, we present the complete result derived from the Color Glass Condensate framework. Our approach is to analytically solve the classical Yang-Mills equations in the dilute-dense regime and then use the Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann (LSZ) reduction formula to obtain gluon production from classical gluon fields.

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