Relations to other Topics
- Entanglement entropy is a specialization of Entanglement
- Entanglement Hamiltonians is used in Entanglement
- No symmetric relations have been defined
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Operator Entanglement in Local Quantum Circuits I: Chaotic Dual-Unitary Circuits
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The negativity contour: a quasi-local measure of entanglement for mixed states
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Symmetry resolved entanglement in gapped integrable systems: a corner transfer matrix approach
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Entanglement spreading and quasiparticle picture beyond the pair structure
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Front dynamics in the XY chain after local excitations
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Long-distance entanglement in Motzkin and Fredkin spin chains
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Twisted and untwisted negativity spectrum of free fermions
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Entanglement in a fermion chain under continuous monitoring
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Entanglement evolution and generalised hydrodynamics: interacting integrable systems
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A Toy Model of the Information Paradox in Empty Space
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Universal entanglement signatures of foliated fracton phases
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Two distinguishable impurities in BEC: squeezing and entanglement of two Bose polarons
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Spreading of entanglement and correlations after a quench with intertwined quasiparticles
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Entanglement and interaction in a topological quantum walk
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Maximal Entanglement in High Energy Physics
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Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe
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Massive Corrections to Entanglement in Minimal E8 Toda Field Theory
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Submissions (unpublished only)
Stabilizer disentangling of conformal field theories
by Martina Frau, Poetri Sonya Tarabunga, Mario Collura, Emanuele Tirrito and Marcello Dalmonte
(submitted 2025-01-13 to SciPost Physics) -
Non-unitarity maximizing unraveling of open quantum dynamics
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(submitted 2025-01-13 to SciPost Physics) -
Symmetry-enforced minimal entanglement and correlation in quantum spin chains
by Kangle Li, Liujun Zou
(submitted 2025-01-07 to SciPost Physics) -
Entanglement asymmetry in periodically driven quantum systems
by Tista Banerjee, Suchetan Das and Krishnendu Sengupta
(submitted 2024-12-20 to SciPost Physics) -
Minimal Areas from Entangled Matrices
by Jackson R. Fliss, Alexander Frenkel, Sean A. Hartnoll, Ronak M Soni
(submitted 2024-09-09 to SciPost Physics)
Top experts
- Alba, Dr Vincenzo
- Almheiri, Dr Ahmed Eid Khamis Thani
- Bastianello, Dr Alvise
- Bernevig, Prof. Bogdan Andrei
- Bertini, Dr Bruno
- Calabrese, Prof. Pasquale
- Cao, Dr Xiangyu
- Castro-Alvaredo, Dr Olalla A.
- Cervera-Lierta, Dr Alba
- Charalambous, Mr Christos
- Chen, Prof. Xie
- Cirac, Prof. J. Ignacio
- Collura, Prof. Mario
- Dalmonte, Dr Marcello
- De Luca, Dr Andrea
- Dell'Anna, Prof. Luca
- Di Giulio, Dr Giuseppe
- Draxler, Dr Damian
- Dubail, Dr Jerome
- Eisler, Dr Viktor
- Elias, Dr Ricardo Gabriel
- Fagotti, Dr Maurizio
- Foerster, Prof. Angela
- Garcia-March, Dr Miguel A.
- Gühne, Prof. Otfried
- Haegeman, Dr Jutho
- Jefferson, Dr Ro
- Kos, Dr Pavel
- Kudler-Flam, Mr Jonah
- Lampo, Dr Aniello
- Latorre, Prof. José Ignacio
- Lewenstein, Prof. Maciej
- Links, Prof. Jon
- Mahajan, Dr Raghu
- Maislinger, Dr Florian
- Mehboud, Dr Mohammad
- Mestyán, Dr Márton
- Montangero, Prof. Simone
- Murciano, Ms Sara
- Nguyen, Dr Chau H.
- Ohst, Mr Ties-Albrecht
- Osborne, Dr Tobias
- Prosen, Prof. Tomaž
- Raju, Prof. Suvrat
- Regnault, Prof. Nicolas
- Rojo, Dr Juan
- Rottoli, Dr Luca
- Ruggiero, Dr Paola
- Ryu, Dr Shinsei
- Saleur, Prof. Hubert
- Santos, Prof. Jorge
- Shapourian, Dr Hassan
- Shirley, Mr Wilbur
- Slagle, Dr Kevin
- Stojevic, Dr Vid
- Stéphan, Dr Jean-Marie
- Tilloy, Prof. Antoine
- Tonel, Prof. Arlei P.
- Tschirsich, Mr Ferdinand
- Vafek, Prof. Oskar
- Vasseur, Dr Romain
- Verga, Prof. Alberto
- Verlinde, Prof. Erik P.
- Verstraete, Prof. Frank
- Wittmann, Dr Karin
- Ymai, Dr Leandro H.
- Yu, Dr Xiao-Dong