Out-of-equilibrium systems
Enhancement of stability of metastable states in the presence of Lévy noise
by Alexander A. Dubkov, Claudio Guarcello, Bernardo Spagnolo,
SciPost Phys. 18, 006 (2025) -
Out-of-equilibrium full counting statistics in Gaussian theories of quantum magnets
by Riccardo Senese, Jacob H. Robertson, Fabian H. L. Essler,
SciPost Phys. 17, 139 (2024) -
Out-of-equilibrium phase transitions induced by Floquet resonances in a periodically quench-driven XY spin chain
by Sergio Enrique Tapias Arze, Pieter W. Claeys, Isaac Pérez Castillo, Jean-Sébastien Caux,
SciPost Phys. Core 3, 001 (2020) -
Exact out-of-equilibrium steady states in the semiclassical limit of the interacting Bose gas
by Giuseppe Del Vecchio Del Vecchio, Alvise Bastianello, Andrea De Luca, Giuseppe Mussardo,
SciPost Phys. 9, 002 (2020) -
Exclusion process subject to conformational size changes
by Yvan Rousset, Luca Ciandrini, Norbert Kern,
SciPost Phys. 6, 077 (2019) -
Two-species hardcore reversible cellular automaton: matrix ansatz for dynamics and nonequilibrium stationary state
by Marko Medenjak, Vladislav Popkov, Tomaž Prosen, Eric Ragoucy, Matthieu Vanicat,
SciPost Phys. 6, 074 (2019) -
Charge-current correlation equalities for quantum systems far from equilibrium
by Dragi Karevski, Gunter M. Schütz,
SciPost Phys. 6, 068 (2019) -
Entanglement dynamics after quantum quenches in generic integrable systems
by Vincenzo Alba, Pasquale Calabrese,
SciPost Phys. 4, 017 (2018) -
(Non) equilibrium dynamics: a (broken) symmetry of the Keldysh generating functional
by Camille Aron, Giulio Biroli, Leticia F. Cugliandolo,
SciPost Phys. 4, 008 (2018) -
Inhomogeneous quenches in the transverse field Ising chain: scaling and front dynamics
by Márton Kormos,
SciPost Phys. 3, 020 (2017) -
Conformal field theory for inhomogeneous one-dimensional quantum systems: the example of non-interacting Fermi gases
by Jérôme Dubail, Jean-Marie Stéphan, Jacopo Viti, Pasquale Calabrese,
SciPost Phys. 2, 002 (2017)
Submissions (unpublished only)
The quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism: the role of boundary conditions, endpoints and kink types
by Jose Soto Garcia, Natalia Chepiga
(submitted 2025-01-07 to SciPost Physics) -
Extracting the symmetries of nonequilibrium quantum many-body systems
by Aleksandr N. Mikheev, Viktoria Noel, Ido Siovitz, Helmut Strobel, Markus K. Oberthaler, Jürgen Berges
(submitted 2024-12-03 to SciPost Physics) -
Molecular sorting on a fluctuating membrane
by Damiano Andreghetti, Luca Dall’Asta, Andrea Gamba, Igor Kolokolov, Vladimir Lebedev
(submitted 2024-11-29 to SciPost Physics) -
Tachyonic and parametric instabilities in an extended bosonic Josephson junction
by Laura Batini, Sebastian Erne, Jörg Schmiedmayer, Jürgen Berges
(submitted 2024-11-27 to SciPost Physics) -
Confinement and false vacuum decay on the Potts quantum spin chain
by Octavio Pomponio, Anna Krasznai, Gábor Takács
(submitted 2024-10-11 to SciPost Physics) -
Out-of-equilibrium Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis
by Laura Foini, Anatoli Dymarski, Silvia Pappalardi
(submitted 2024-09-14 to SciPost Physics)
Top experts
- Alba, Dr Vincenzo
- Aron, Dr Camille
- Bastianello, Dr Alvise
- Biroli, Prof. Giulio
- Calabrese, Prof. Pasquale
- Caux, Prof. Jean-Sébastien
- Ciandrini, Dr Luca
- Claeys, Dr Pieter W.
- Cugliandolo, Prof. Leticia F.
- De Luca, Dr Andrea
- Dubail, Dr Jerome
- Dubkov, Dr Alexander A.
- Essler, Prof. Fabian
- Guarcello, Dr Claudio
- Karevski, Dr Dragi
- Kern, Dr Norbert
- Kormos, Dr Márton
- Medenjak, Dr Marko
- Mussardo, Prof. Giuseppe
- Popkov, Prof. Vladislav
- Prosen, Prof. Tomaž
- Pérez Castillo, Prof. Isaac
- Ragoucy, Prof. Eric
- Robertson, Mr Jacob
- Rousset, Mr Yvan
- Schütz, Prof. Gunter
- Senese, Mr Riccardo
- Spagnolo, Prof. Bernardo
- Stéphan, Dr Jean-Marie
- Tapias Arze, Dr Sergio Enrique
- Vanicat, Dr Matthieu
- Viti, Dr Jacopo
- del Vecchio del Vecchio, Mr Giuseppe