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Unusual Transport Phenomena in Spatially Modulated Correlated Electron Waveguides

by Gal Shavit, Yuval Oreg

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Authors (as registered SciPost users): Gal Shavit
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2020-03-26 01:00
Submitted by: Shavit, Gal
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics - Theory
Approaches: Theoretical, Phenomenological


Recent transport experiments in spatially modulated quasi-1D structures created on top of LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ interfaces have revealed some unconventional features, including extraordinary phenomena conspicuously absent without the modulation. In this work, we focus on two of these remarkable features and provide theoretical analysis allowing their interpretation. The first one is the appearance of two-terminal conductance plateaus at rational fractions of $e^2/h$. We explain how this phenomenon, previously believed to be possible only in systems with strong repulsive interactions, can be stabilized in a system with attraction in the presence of the modulation. Using our theoretical framework we find the plateau amplitude and shape, and characterize the correlated phase which develops in the system due to the partial gap, namely a Luttinger liquid of electronic trions. The second peculiar observation is a sharp conductance dip below a conductance of $1\times e^2/h$, which continuously changes its value when tuning the system. We theorize it originates in an effective periodic spin-orbit field felt by the electrons leading to resonant backscattering. The behavior of this dip can be reliably accounted for by considering the finite length of the electronic waveguides, as well as the interactions therein. The phenomena discussed in this work exemplify the intricate interplay of strong interactions and spatial modulations, and reveal the potential for novel strongly correlated phases of matter in system which prominently feature both.

Current status:
Has been resubmitted

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 3 on 2020-8-4 (Invited Report)

  • Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:2003.08227v1, delivered 2020-08-04, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.1887


A very interesting theoretical work on a novel model that definitely merits publication in SciPost Physics.




Report on Shavit and Oreg's manuscript "Unusual Transport Phenomena in Spatially Modulated Correlated Electron Waveguides"

This is a very interesting theoretical work which I recommend for publication in SciPost Physics. It is on the conductance of a 1D system, modelled as a Luttinger liquid. The specificity of this work is that the inter-particle interaction U(x-y) is has a specific spatial-modulated, such that the Luttinger liquid has two bosonic modes with one bosonic mode's velocity being an INTEGER MULTIPLE of the other bosonic mode's velocity. The manuscript presents two main results. The first (see fig 2) is the observation of a conductance plateau at 9/5 e^2/h, which the authors associate with the formation of a Luttinger liquid of electronic "trions". The second is a conductance dip below 1 e^2/h.

Requested changes

I did not search carefully for typos, but I saw one
in the first sentence of Section "B. Fractional conductance". The word "faith" should probably be "fate" in the sentence "The physics we are interested in concerns the faith of ..."

  • validity: good
  • significance: high
  • originality: high
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: excellent
  • grammar: excellent

Author:  Gal Shavit  on 2020-08-20  [id 931]

(in reply to Report 3 on 2020-08-04)

We would like to thank the referee for a careful reading of the manuscript, and for judging our work to be interesting and meriting publication.

The typos observed by the referee, as well as some others pointed out by the other referees were corrected in the amended manuscript.

Anonymous Report 2 on 2020-7-17 (Invited Report)

  • Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:2003.08227v1, delivered 2020-07-17, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.1830


1. Novel ideas/mechanism of attraction-enhanced backscattering
2. Clear experimental motivation and relevance
3. Elegant theoretical analysis and presentation


1. Approximations/simplifications are not always clear to me.
2. Some technicalities need to be clarified.


This article theoretically discusses the effects of spatially modulated attractive interactions in quantum wires.

For vertical modulation it is pointed out that (i) Strong backscattering leads to a fractional conductance plateau with varying chemical potential which may evolve into a peak-dip structure as a gap opens up (ii) A perturbative, spatially modulated interaction enhances this backscattering (iii) For strong attractive interactions, arguments are provided for formation of a trion phase in the two-mode wire. The results suggest that in the discussed interesting experiments the attractive interaction is modulated at twice the wave vector of one of the modes of the wire.
For lateral modulation and high magnetic field (Zeeman term) it is shown that (i) Spatially modulated Rashba-spin-orbit coupling leads to a gap with a very similar peak-dip structure --but not at a fractional conductance value-- (ii) Interactions are argued to enhance the periodic modulation leading to a non-interacting backscattering impurity by RG arguments

The paper presents a comprehensive set of interesting, apparently new theoretical ideas in a clear way. These are well motivated by experiments on state of the art attractive quantum wires which are discussed at several places in the paper.

The paper satisfies all general acceptance criteria for SciPost Physics. Concerning the additional requirements ("expectations") for SciPost Physics, I would say it identifies an important new explanation of puzzling transport effects identified experimentally (expectation 2). The topic of attractive interactions in nanostructures is very timely, currently showing both experimental and theoretical progress. Also, this work provides a clear starting point for follow up work by complementary theoretical methods to further investigate the proposed backscattering effects in multimode attractive quantum wires, e.g., taking into account more experimental details (expectation 3).

I am therefore inclined to recommend the paper for publication in SciPost Physics, provided the authors make some improvements and answer some detailed questions that came up. Since the paper is written in a constructive style, nicely piecing together together a plausible model based on experimental clues, some assumptions / approximations that were not clear to me need to be clarified. Also, simple improvements can be made to make the paper more accessible to readers who are not experts in the theory of interacting quantum wires (like myself).
See the requested list of changes for all of these points as well as some suggestions that the authors may optionally consider.

I particularly suggest the authors to consider making the title of the paper more specific to its contents, for example,
"Backscattering and Spatially Modulated attractive interaction in transport through Electron Waveguides"
or something better. In particular, I find putting "unusual" or "interesting" in the title not very informative. In fact, I find the transport not so unusual or unexpected (some spectral feature just affects transport...). The more surprising insight to me seems to be the "fate" of the backscattering feature in the spectrum in the presence of modulation and interactions.
I also suggest the abstract and summarizing part of the summary are improved. For example, in the abstract, the line
"The second peculiar observation is a sharp conductance dip below a conductance of $1 \times e^2 /h$"
aims to summarize the lateral case (Section IV) as showing a "dip". I found this quite confusing since Fig. 4 and Fig. 2 are qualitatively very similar. I'd say the vertical case also shows a dip (but for very different reasons it seems).

Requested changes

p. 1
"In the laterally modulated waveguides we detect a different anomaly in the transport data,"
The phrasing suggest the authors "detected" something the experimentalist did not notice. If so, it should be made more clear, if not then please rephrase.

"We show that the interplay of strong interactions in the waveguide and short length of the conductor results in the “travelling” nature of this dip."
It is unclear what "traveling" means at this point: traveling as as function of what?

p. 2
"The spin label of these two modes and their spatial distribution in the cross-section of the waveguide is immaterial for the purposes of this work."
Can the authors motivate this? It is not apriori obvious when spin is unimportant in interacting systems.

The definition of the (total) Hamiltonian density is missing,
$\mathcal{H} = \mathcal{H}_0 + \mathcal{H}_\text{int} + \mathcal{H}_\lambda$ where in $\mathcal{H}_\text{int}$ the $g_\text{bs}$ term dropped. These and other definitions are important to follow the paper since terms are being added and omitted as the analysis progresses.

p. 3
It would be helpful if the section title read something like
$\textit{B. Fractional conductance for strong backscattering}$
since backscattering is treated only perturbatively in the section that follows.

p. 4
The details of the RG treatement are omitted (which is OK). It may be useful for the general reader to mention that here short-distance spatial degrees of freedom are integrated out and mention the role of alpha. A pertinent reference to a review of this particular RG technique would be welcome.

"We make a plausible simplification, by assuming all other intra-mode interaction matrix elements are of comparable strength,..."
If this is indeed plausible, then please provide an argument. If not, then write "For simplicity, we assume" as is done elsewhere in the manuscript (which is OK).

"In the vicinity of $K_g^∗ = 1/5$ , which suggests the presence rather strong interactions, we may supplement ..."
The value $K_g^∗ = 1/5$ simply corresponds to a point of attractive interactions which happens to be solvable, right? I don't understand what "which suggests the presence of ..". Do you mean "which corresponds to.."?

"The point .. represents a generalization of the exactly solvable Luther-Emery point [28] of attractive spin-degenerate electrons in a quantum wire."
I'm confused here that $K_g* < 1/5<1$ is said to correspond to attraction, whereas after Eq. (34), $K > 1$ corresponds to attraction. Please clarify at both positions.

The transmission function Eq. (19) is written down without comment, but later on, the transmission in Eq. (33) is introduced as "the approximated transmission function". It is not clear which approximation was made at Eq. (33) and it makes me wonder whether in Eq. (19) also some approximations was made? Please clarify at both positions.

I found the title of section II D "Experimental consequences" not very appropriate since it just continues the theoretical analysis. It is also unnecessary since such consequences are discussed throughout the paper (which is good).

"In order to more reliably relate our calculations to the experimental observation,"
Please state explicitly what was not "reliable" so far. (This confused me since it cannot be treatment of interactions since $K_g^*=1/5$ was just discussed a few lines back).

Eq. (19): the quantities b_1, b_2 are not defined in terms of model parameters or explained.

Fig. 2: lower value of the vertical scale is missing.

p. 5
"with $W$ a typical bandwidth parameter."
The bandwidth was not introduced when discussing the model. Does $W$ relate to short distance scales integrated out by the RG? This seems to be the case as later on after Eq. (36) it says "once again W=\tilde{v}/alpha" where the "again" confuses me since this was not mentioned earlier.

"when the bandwidth of the two modes is sufficiently larger than the strength of the interactions"
Bandwidth meant is $W$? Which interactions, the $U^ij$ or $g$'s (I noted that the $g_i$ are differences of local interactions). Please specify.

Eq. (21): A comment on how one arrives at the alpha-offset in Eq. (21) would be helpful. I can imagine, but I'd like to understand how.

p. 6
Although the regime of $m V_z \gg m \mu + k_\text{SO}^2/2$ is considered, the expression for $k_F$ is not expanded to consistently to reflect this approximation:
$k_F \approx \sqrt(2mV_Z) + (m\mu + k_\text{SO}^2/2)/\sqrt(2mV_Z) +...$.
Why not? The later analysis should not depend on (not) doing this.

I'm confused about the need to include the chemical potential $\mu$ in the (grand-)canonical Hamiltonian density (27). Why is $\mu$ not included in $\mathcal{H}_0$ in Section II ?

"...thus we can use Landauer’s two-terminal conductance formula in Eq. (18) to calculate the conductance"
This seems to be correct only when changing variable to $\epsilon'=\epsilon-\mu$ since now $\mu$ is included in H? It is unclear which $\epsilon$ is meant in Eq. (33).
Related to this: How is $\epsilon$ in Eq. (B2) defined in Appendix B?

As mentioned earlier, why is Eq. (33) "approximate" ? Please clarify.

In this discussion of Section III it seems to me that $\mu$ is included in $H$ and then apparently removed again after Eq. (31). In my naive understanding, the transmission in Landauer's formula does not depend on $\mu$. $\mu$ comes from the linear-response fermi-function difference [cosh(..)]^{-2} of the adiabatically connected leads. Including $\mu$ in the Hamiltonian and removing it implicitly seems to confuse the matter in relation to Section II. Please clarify.

p. 7
"we neglect the effect of different Fermi velocities in different regions of the system."
Can one motivate this? Is it known (in other contexts) what effects such differences can cause when they are included? If there is no such motivation, write "for simplicity we neglect..." to make clear there is a potentially relevant effect to consider in further work.

Before Eq. (36): $\Delta^0_Q$ is not defined / mentioned.

p. 10
Eq. (B2): What is the definition of epsilon here?

"from which we recover Eq. (32) for $\epsilon=\tilde{\mu}=0$."
As stated this makes no sense (negative argument square root). In Eq. (B3), why not give the solution in terms of cosh and sinh, i.e., for parameter values in the gap ($|\epsilon + \tilde \mu| \leq \Delta_Q$) which are of interest?

----- TYPOS SPOTTED-----------------------
replace faith -> fate throughout the text.

p. 3
current ... in both modes may be expressed as $J = (1, 1) · (I_R − O_l ).$
replice $O_l$ -> $O_L$

p. 4
pre-plateua” conductance -> pre-platEAU” conductance

p. 5:
for readability insert:
"in the experiment THE VALUE OF q ∗ around which the interaction is peaked, remains constant.}
The formula for $K_f$ needs to be "displayed" format, not as inline equation.
interaction tend to male K g small
interaction tend to MAKE K g small

p. 6:
insert missing word:
We examine the Hamiltonian DENSITY $\mathcal{H}_0 + \mathcal{H}_int$ [Eqs. (2) and (3)]

p. 7
develops to a pronounce dip -> develops to a PRONOUNCED dip
the plateuas observed in Ref. [21] -> the plateAUS observed in Ref. [21]

  • validity: high
  • significance: high
  • originality: top
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: excellent
  • grammar: perfect

Author:  Gal Shavit  on 2020-08-20  [id 932]

(in reply to Report 2 on 2020-07-17)

We would like to thank the referee for a careful reading of our manuscript, for his helpful comments and suggestions, and for judging our work to be interesting and timely. Below we address his specific suggestions and questions.

Replies to specific suggestions and changes requested by the referee:

The referee suggests a modification to the title of the paper which makes it more specific to its content. We accept his suggestion, and we have modified the title to “Modulation induced transport signatures in correlated electron waveguides”.

The referee suggests improvement of the abstract and summary. Specifically, he raises the question of the qualitative differences between the features we address in the vertical and lateral modulation cases. Though Fig. 2 and Fig. 4 in the manuscript (and their respective counterparts in the experimental papers) appear similar at first sight, they are in fact distinct in two ways. First, the feature in the lateral case changes its value over a much wider range when the system is tuned. Secondly, the lateral feature appears before a conductance plateau of $1\times e^{2}/h$, suggesting that only one mode is occupied, ruling out the explanation we have presented for the vertical case. To clarify this point we have made several modifications to the revised manuscript: (i) we have made it clear in the abstract that the lateral feature also changes over a wide range. (ii) In the Introduction, we elaborate more on the differences, and state that they imply a different mechanism is required to explain them. (iii) In the Conclusions, we remind the reader that these features are qualitatively distinct and thus have different origins.

The referee disapproves the use of the word “detect” in the first section. We have replaced it by “address” in the revised manuscript.

The referee ask for clarification as to the “traveling nature of the dip”. We clarify this in the last paragraph of the introduction.

The referee poses a question regarding the motivation of neglecting the spin of the waveguide modes. As we mention in the reply to the first referee, spin and other degrees of freedom are not ignored. The specific quantum numbers characterizing the two lowest-lying modes (at a given magnetic field) do not influence our model, only the fact that there exist two distinct modes. This is clarified in the revised manuscript in the paragraph leading up to Eq. (1).

Following the referee's suggestion, we have added a definition of the total Hamiltonian density, including the free, interacting, and higher-order backscattering parts.

As the referee suggests, the title of Sec. II.B was changed to “Fractional conductance in the strong backscattering limit”.

The referee suggest adding some details and a reference regarding the RG technique. We include these details in the second paragraph of Sec. II.C.

As the referee suggests, we modify the argument regarding the comparable strength of the remaining elements of the interaction matrix, above Eq. (18).

In the beginning of Sec. II.D the poor wording “suggests” was modified to be “corresponding to”, as pointed out by the referee.

The referee raises a question regarding the size of the Luttinger parameter, and its connection to the nature of the interaction. This is an important point to emphasize: with a modulated interaction, $K<1$ may correspond to attractive interactions, though it corresponds to repulsive ones in the absence of interactions. We clarify this in the revised manuscript, both in the beginning of Sec. II.D, and in Sec. III.B.

The referee asks about the “approximate” nature of the transmission function in Eq. (35). Unlike in the vertically modulated waveguides, where we expect the length of the scattering region to play no significant role (i.e., $T_{L}$ is sufficiently small), in the lateral case we rely on the fact that the transport is dictated by the finite length of the conductor. Hence, the transmission within the gap depends on $L$ in an intricate way, and is modified even within the gap. For simplicity, we use the scattering problem solved in Appendix B as a guide, and take the transmission within the gap to be constant, and out of it to be unity. This is not an approximation if $T_{L}\to0$ . This simplified form is sufficient to capture the experimental results. In the revised manuscript, we clarify it right after Eq. (35).

The title of Sec. II.D was changed to “Relation to experimental results”, as we demonstrate in this section how our model gives rise to the observed experimental signatures.

The referee asks about the use of the word “reliable” in Sec. II.D. This is nothing but a poor choice of words of us, as all we intended to say is that we gain further insight as to the qualitative behavior of the gap by evaluating its size. We made the appropriate modification in the revised manuscript.

The referee asks for explanation regarding the energies $b_1$ , and $b_2$ . We already state in the text above Eq. (20) they represent the energies of the bottom of the bands, and also mark them in Fig. 1. In the revised manuscript, for better clarity, we also refer the reader to Fig. 1 when $b_1$ and $b_2$ are introduced.

Per the referee's request, we have added an indication for the lower value of the vertical scale in Fig. 2.

The referee comments on the missing definition of the bandwidth W. We now give its definition in the revised manuscript following Eq. (21) using the bare short-distance cutoff, and amend it accordingly following Eq. (38).

At the beginning of Sec. II.E the referee asks for some clarifications regarding the relative size of the bandwidth and interactions. In the revised manuscript we explicitly give the two scales we compare ($W$ and the interaction matrix elements).

The referee asks for clarification regarding the $\alpha$ offset in the definition of the trionic operator. This offset is crucial if one wishes to create a local pair. Due to the fermionic nature of the creation/annihilation operators, two electrons in the same mode cannot be created at the same position. We clarify this following Eq. (23) in the revised manuscript.

The referee inquires as to the expansion of $k_F$ in the large Zeeman energy regime in Sec. III. The reason we did not perform this approximate expansion is that it does not add any new information to the model, nor does it add significantly to the effective spinless model we further discuss. The value of the Fermi energy / wavelength does not impact the results of our calculations whatsoever.

The referee asks about “the need to include the chemical potential $\mu$” in Eq. (29), especially since it is apparently missing in Eqs. (2) and (32). The chemical potential in (29) is important, as it directly determines the filling and the value of $k_{F}$, and in turn the value of Q where the backscattering is resonant. Moreover, it is in fact not absent from Eqs. (2) and (32), which show a linearized version of the non-interacting Hamiltonian density (around the Fermi points). The linearization procedure, see Eq. (31) for example, eliminates the $\mu$ term from the Hamiltonian, due to the oscillating phase factor, which contains $k_{F}$. This comment by the referee has actually pointed our attention towards a typo in the unitary transformation leading up to Eq. (33), which we have corrected in the revised manuscript. Notice that this transformation, with Q=0, simply restores the chemical potential term to the Hamiltonian in a more familiar way.

The referee asks about the transmission as a function of $\epsilon$, and whether we should be concerned about the inclusion of $\mu$ inside its definition, due to Eq. (19). The transmission function, as written in Eq. (35) is indeed the correct one, already taking $\mu$ into account. To see this consider $\mu=\mu_{Q}$, which is right in the center of the lowered transmission region, and exactly where $\tilde{\mu}=0$. Were it not the case, we would have needed to replace $\mu_{Q}$ in Eq. (35) with $\tilde{\mu}$. In the revised manuscript, we provide this clarification following Eq. (35).

The referee raises a question regarding the difference in Fermi velocity between the leads and the bulk of the system. For sufficiently smooth transition between the bulk and the wire we expect that such differences will not play a significant role and for simplicity we neglect them. As the referee suggested, we clarify that such a difference is neglected for the sake of simplicity following Eq. (36).

The referee commented on the lack of definition of $\Delta_{Q}^{0}$, which was rectified in the revised manuscript.

In Appendix B, the referee mentions the meaning of $\epsilon$ is not clear. This is simply the eigenvalue/energy of the Schrodinger equation we want to solve, and extract the transmission amplitude from (depending on energy). For the sake of clarity, and to avoid confusion with the $\epsilon$ within the main text, we replace it in the Appendix by $E$ .

The referee suggests to replace the notation of Eq. (B3) such that it would be more natural in the regime where the gap exceeds the chemical potential. We do exactly that in the revised manuscript, by replacing trigonometric function by hyperbolic functions in Eq. (B3).

The typos identified by the referee were corrected in the revised manuscript.

Anonymous Report 1 on 2020-5-7 (Invited Report)

  • Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:2003.08227v1, delivered 2020-05-07, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.1649


1. Relevant -explains intriguing features seen in a recent experiment
2. Interesting - suggests that fractional conductance quantization can arise in 1D systems with attractive interactions
3. Carefully presented - it is easy to read, with the authors providing physical insight for technical results


I miss a discussion of some specific theory's predictions that could confirm or dismiss the proposed scenario.


The article is a theoretical investigation of a one-dimensional two-subband conductor within a Luttinget liquid formalism. It is motivated by conductance plateaus and dips at fractional values observed in experiments. It explains these as due to the electron-electron interaction strength, and spin-orbit interaction strength, respectively, being highly oscillatory (in space).

I find the article interesting, of high scientific level, and well presented, and I recommend the publication. I suggest that the authors discuss two additional questions: a possible verification of the proposed explanation and magnetic field effects. Finally, I have some minor suggestions concerning the presentation.

Suggestions for further discussion:
1) The analysis of this type (the RG) relies on examining the system parameters tendencies and has to remain rather qualitative. Here, the interaction constants Kg of Kf are functions of several matrix elements of U, which are unknown. Authors find that their scenario requires that U_2kF dominates other U's in Eq. 17 but is only "relatively dominant" (meaning negligible if divided by 5) in the equation for Kf on page 5. While this is well believable, I am wondering whether the authors' explanation can be made more verifiable.
Therefore: Is there a prediction that could be checked experimentally to confirm or dismiss this specific explanation?

2) In the first part, the effects of the magnetic field are ignored, both the Zeeman energy and the orbital effects. In the second part, it is the opposite, and the wire is supposed to be fully spin-polarized. Not easy to reconcile these two views. Especially the first part, where plateaus seen in the experiment at 3-7 Tesla and even 9 Tesla are discussed, but the Zeeman energy is not considered.
Therefore: What is the Zeeman energy at these fields, e.g., compared to the gap of 2-20 ueV used in Figure 2? Why can it be neglected in the first part?

To the presentation:
I had problems with the backscattering term in Eq. 3. First, there seems to be a typo in Eq. 3 as this term transfers electron across subbands 1 and 2, unlike Eq. 1. One could figure out which term was meant if the "k_1/2,F" was defined, but I can't find its definition. Finally, the last sentence on page 2 says that the term does not conserve the momentum. But I understood that U is modulated in space and therefore, it should have an additional Fourier space index, which could compensate any momentum mismatch. Please clarify the "modulation" of the interaction U(x,y) better.

"the faith of ... some variable" should read "the fate of ... some variable" (appears twice)
"to male" should read "to make"
"Rasbha" should read "Rashba"

Requested changes

See report.

  • validity: high
  • significance: good
  • originality: high
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: excellent
  • grammar: excellent

Author:  Gal Shavit  on 2020-08-20  [id 933]

(in reply to Report 1 on 2020-05-07)

We would like to thank the referee for a careful reading of our manuscript, for his helpful comments, and for judging our work to be of high scientific level. Below we address his specific suggestions and questions.

  1. The referee comments on the role of the modulated interaction in affecting the Luttinger parameters $K_{g}$ and $K_{f}$. He raises some concerns regarding the possible tuning required for the explanation presented in the manuscript to be valid. Thus, the issue of verifiability is raised in this context.

First, let us clarify the different roles the two Luttinger parameters play in our proposal. The parameter $K_{g}$ is the most important element in our explanation, as its value dictates whether or not a partial gap exists for the electrons (and thus a fractional conductance signature). The modulated interaction helps reduce $K_{g}$ and thus make the back-scattering terms much more relevant. We do require that the $2k_F$ component of the interaction dominates over the rest and then we discuss $K_{f}$, which plays a secondary role. The mechanism we propose does not depend on $K_{f}$ in a meaningful way, so there is no necessary further tuning of the interaction structure. We argue however, that if the $2k_F$ component is not too big, then the fractional state is more robust and experimentally stable. It is not imperative to our explanation of the results.

As for additional experimental verification of our proposals: a) Verification of the back-scattering-induced mechanism of the fractional conductance can be made by shot-noise measurements. These should yield a fractional (rational) Fano factor, with a predictable plateau-dependent value. We have added this suggestion to the end of Sec. II.B in the revised manuscript. b) By introducing imperfections to the wave guide (which is easily done in the sort of platforms we discuss in the manuscript), one may examine the dependence of the conductance on the temperature. If $K_{f}$ is sufficiently large, then additional impurities should decrease the conductance in a power law fashion with a large power as we increase the temperature. This will verify whether the experimental results are due to a very “clean” waveguide, or due to the attractive interactions protecting the conduction of the charge carriers. We have included this suggestion right after the discussion on $K_{f}$, at the end of Sec. II.D.

2. The referee asks about the effect of magnetic field in the experiment, mainly in the first part concerning the fractional conductance plateaus in vertically modulated wires. He rightfully points out that magnetic field effects are seemingly ignored altogether in that part, an assumption which is not necessarily valid.

In fact, though it may not be readily apparent in the old version of the manuscript, magnetic field effects are not ignored at all. The magnetic field acts as a controllable parameter which adjusts the non-interacting band structure, both through an orbital and Zeeman effect [as was shown in, e.g., Nano Letters 18, 4473 (2018)]. Our theoretical framework takes the two low-lying modes, their orbital and spin content will determine their Fermi momenta for a fixed external field, other than that their spin content has little importance. As we mention at the start of Sec. II.A, we describe the interacting physics within these effective modes. The magnetic field plays a very significant role here: at a given Fermi energy, it determines the $k_F$ of the two low-energy modes, and thus the commensurability condition, which is crucial to the appearance of the fractional state. It is thus not at all surprising that the fractional signatures appear at certain magnetic fields, and possibly change their value (from 9/5 to 8/5) when it is modified. In the revised manuscript, we re-iterate this point at the start of Sec. II.A, and further discuss its implications on the experimental results towards the end of Sec. II.B.

3. Regarding the comments on Eq. (3). Indeed there was a typo, and one of the indices was modified to give the correct expression. The definition of $g_{\rm bs}$ was also amended to better clarify its role. Let us further clarify the modulation of the interaction, which we assume has some spatial dependence $U\left(\left|x-y\right|\right)$. The different interaction coefficients may be written in terms of Fourier components of this interaction, as we state in the manuscript. The back-scattering term (related to $g_{\rm bs}$ ) scatters electrons in opposite modes, where a $2k_{i,F}$ momentum transfer occurs in each mode. The modulation of the interaction controls the amplitude of this process, yet for it to conserve momentum, the momentum transfer in each mode should be equal (and opposite in sign). Such a process is suppressed if the two modes' Fermi momenta are not equal. The interaction modulation does not supply additional momentum to scatter off of.

In the revised manuscript, we emphasize the role of the Fourier transform of $U$ following Eq. (1).

The other typos identified by the referee were corrected as well.

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