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The Future of the Correlated Electron Problem

by A. Alexandradinata, N. P. Armitage, Andrey Baydin, Wenli Bi, Yue Cao, Hitesh J. Changlani, Eli Chertkov, Eduardo H. da Silva Neto, Luca Delacretaz, Ismail El Baggari, G. M. Ferguson, William J. Gannon, Sayed Ali Akbar Ghorashi, Berit H. Goodge, Olga Goulko, G. Grissonnanche, Alannah Hallas, Ian M. Hayes, Yu He, Edwin W. Huang, Anshul Kogar, Divine Kumah, Jong Yeon Lee, A. Legros, Fahad Mahmood, Yulia Maximenko, Nick Pellatz, Hryhoriy Polshyn, Tarapada Sarkar, Allen Scheie, Kyle L. Seyler, Zhenzhong Shi, Brian Skinner, Lucia Steinke, K. Thirunavukkuarasu, Thaís Victa Trevisan, Michael Vogl, Pavel A. Volkov, Yao Wang, Yishu Wang, Di Wei, Kaya Wei, Shuolong Yang, Xian Zhang, Ya-Hui Zhang, Liuyan Zhao, Alfred Zong

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): N. Peter Armitage
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2022-07-15 10:14
Submitted by: Armitage, N. Peter
Submitted to: SciPost Physics Proceedings
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics - Experiment
Approaches: Theoretical, Experimental, Computational


A central problem in modern condensed matter physics is the understanding of materials with strong electron correlations. Despite extensive work, the essential physics of many of these systems is not understood and there is very little ability to make predictions in this class of materials. In this manuscript we share our personal views on the major open problems in the field of correlated electron systems. We discuss some possible routes to make progress in this rich and fascinating field. This manuscript is the result of the vigorous discussions and deliberations that took place at Johns Hopkins University during a three-day workshop January 27, 28, and 29, 2020 that brought together six senior scientists and 46 more junior scientists. Our hope, is that the topics we have presented will provide inspiration for others working in this field and motivation for the idea that significant progress can be made on very hard problems if we focus our collective energies.

Current status:
Awaiting resubmission

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 1 on 2022-12-12 (Invited Report)


1) An expertly written outlook on the future of the field of correlated electron systems (CES). Despite the very large number of co-authors, the structure and the language throughout the manuscript is coherent.
2) I do believe this is an important document that will serve as an interesting and informative reference for the CES community in the coming years. It is refreshing to find that so many of the co-authors are the more junior members of the community and Prof. Armitage is to be applauded, not only for taking the initiative of this, but also for striking an excellent balance of contributors.


There are only a couple of minor points to make here:
1) While the manuscript covers a wide range of topics within the field, I felt that it could have benefitted to from a dedicated discussion about interacting quasi-one-dimensional materials, in particular the breakdown of either the Luttinger liquid or the Fermi-liquid as the dimensionality of the electronic ground state is tuned. Given that both end points are well understood, yet their crossover is still so strongly disputed, this aspect epitomizes the challenge the community faces in building up a complete picture of the interacting many-body problem.
2) While many of the figure captions were sufficiently self-contained, I felt that those for Figures 8, 10, 13 and 14 could benefit from being expanded to make them more self-contained. This is particularly important for those figures that have only a cursory mention in the main text.
3) I spotted a number of typos throughout the text (no more than usual). I would be happy to send the list to the authors if that would be helpful.


I recommend that the paper should be published with only the minor changes highlighted above.

Requested changes

I doubt that the authors could address point 1) above, given that it is unlikely to have featured at their workshop, so I am happy if the authors simply address my point 2) above regarding some of the figure captions.

  • validity: high
  • significance: high
  • originality: high
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: excellent
  • grammar: excellent

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