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Influence of Trotterization error on single-particle tunneling

by Anton V. Khvalyuk, Kostyantyn Kechedzhi, Vadim S. Smelyansky, Lev B. Ioffe

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Anton Khvalyuk
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2024-02-26 14:33
Submitted by: Khvalyuk, Anton
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Quantum Physics
Approach: Theoretical


Simulation of the single-particle tunneling problem by means of the Suzuki-Trotter approximation (STA) is analyzed. Considered is a particle hopping across a chain of sites in presence of a smooth position-dependent potential profile with several local minima that arrange a tunneling problem between the localized states in different minima. The STA error is found to manifest itself in three ways: i) perturbative energy shifts, ii) nonperturbartive renormalization of the tunneling rates, and iii) perturbative leakage of the total probability to other states. Generally, the first type of error is the most essential, as detuning of the tunneling resonance has to be compared with exponentially small tunneling rates. In absence of detuning (e.g. if the resonance is protected by symmetry), STA leads to exponential enhancement of the tunneling rates. The last type of error classifies the overall defect in the wave function and delineates the region of sufficiently weak distortion of the wave function due to STA. The conducted analysis confirms the naive criteria of applicability $\max\{T,P\}\ll\delta t^{-1}$ (with $T,P$ being the typical scales of kinetic and potential terms, respectively), while also revealing the structure of error and its behavior with system parameters. Analysis of the case of large Trotter step is also performed, with the main result being the reconstruction of low-energy spectrum due to coupling between states with energy difference close to $2\pi/\delta t$. The connection of the obtained results with rigorous upper error bounds on the STA error is discussed, with particular emphasis on why these rigorous bounds are not always saturated. We also point out that the proposed problem can be directly implemented on existing quantum devices [arXiv:2012.00921]. In particular, we give a detailed description of an experimental design that demonstrates the described physics.

Current status:
In refereeing

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