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Les Houches guide to reusable ML models in LHC analyses

by Jack Y. Araz, Andy Buckley, Gregor Kasieczka, Jan Kieseler, Sabine Kraml, Anders Kvellestad, Andre Lessa, Tomasz Procter, Are Raklev, Humberto Reyes-Gonzalez, Krzysztof Rolbiecki, Sezen Sekmen, Gokhan Unel

This is not the latest submitted version.

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Jack Araz · Andy Buckley · Sabine Kraml · Andre Lessa · Tomasz Procter
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2024-01-11 10:31
Submitted by: Procter, Tomasz
Submitted to: SciPost Physics Community Reports
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • High-Energy Physics - Experiment
  • High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology


With the increasing usage of machine-learning in high-energy physics analyses, the publication of the trained models in a reusable form has become a crucial question for analysis preservation and reuse. The complexity of these models creates practical issues for both reporting them accurately and for ensuring the stability of their behaviours in different environments and over extended timescales. In this note we discuss the current state of affairs, highlighting specific practical issues and focusing on the most promising technical and strategic approaches to ensure trustworthy analysis-preservation. This material originated from discussions in the LHC Reinterpretation Forum and the 2023 PhysTeV workshop at Les Houches.

Current status:
Has been resubmitted

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 2 on 2024-5-15 (Invited Report)


The paper is good for documentation and is asking for some standardization of Machine Learning models. So, in principle, it is a “best practice” paper. However, the authors only give examples of what others have done and don’t really develop protocols of their own. It is more of a review of practices that others have implemented and the authors think they are good to adopt.


There isn’t much innovation in this paper and it more or less reads like a documentation of some discussions the authors had. At the technical level, it’s a bit inaccessible to those who are not experts in the field by using too many acronyms that the authors do not spell out. The point is that experts will already know what the authors are recommending and the document gets complicated to read for others to whom it might be potentially useful.


Since Machine Learning is seeing an increased uptake in mainstream particle physics analyses, a "best practices" paper is relevant to the community. However, sharing algorithms and models along with data used for training and standardized tests of the models is a practice that is well established in the machine learning and computer science/engineering communities. While this paper puts this in the context of particle physics its applicability is limited to specific use cases where the models might be reused in several analyses or for validating/reproducing published results. For the latter, it is often more productive to share the training data and the specifications of the model architectures. I can recommend this article for publication with minor edits that I list below.

Requested changes

- The authors use a lot of technical acronyms without defining them explicitly. This makes the document accessible only to those who are familiar with the technicalities and they are the readers who least need this document. For the readers who are not familiar with the acronyms a glossary or some sort of explanation of the the acronyms used would significantly increase the readability of the article given the broader audience of this journal.

- the authors put in interpretability (in terms of feature importance) as an afterthought although, in my opinion, it is quite important as a validation of an ML model. They do not refer to any of the vast body of work done in interpretable machine learning and feature importance in particle physics. For the only article they refer to, they are a bit vague about which plot they are discussing. Being more specific will help here and if the authors wish to discuss the interpretability of ML models, they should put in more than a couple of sentences and refer to the existing literature.


Ask for minor revision

  • validity: good
  • significance: good
  • originality: ok
  • clarity: ok
  • formatting: good
  • grammar: good

Anonymous Report 1 on 2024-3-14 (Invited Report)


1- Good overview of the subject
2- Provides possible strategies to cope with the issues of Machine Learning model preservation


The document contains a report on the topic of reusable Machine Learning models in collider analyses. The material originated from the LHC Reinterpretation Forum and the 2023 PhysTeV workshop at Les Houches.

The main purpose of the report is to highlight the main issues related to the preservation of ML models used in LHC analyses and discuss possible strategies to cope with them. The relevance of the discussion is due to the fact that an increasing number of collider analyses involve ML techniques (in various forms), but no common preservation standard has been developed so far to ensure later reusability. Critical issues are related to the format of ML model storage together with the choice of validation data needed to ensure the reproducibility of the analyses. These aspects are discussed in section 2 together with some example from published analyses from the ATLAS collaboration.

A review of the frameworks for ML model design and storage is contained in section 3, with details on the currently available preservation formats, architecture design and choice of input data. The issue of validation protocols and validation data storage is addressed in section 4. Finally section 5 contains a discussion on surrogate models, which are needed for ML reusability in the case in which the original analysis uses input data that are not publicly available (eg. detector-level data). All these sections contain some recommendations and possible strategies to address the highlighted issues.

I think that the report provides an interesting review of the topic, giving a good critical overview of the current state of the subject and of the main issues that should be addressed to ensure long-term preservation of the ML-based LHC analyses. The document could be potentially interesting for the experimental community and could stimulate efforts to design a robust and common standard for ML model preservation.

  • validity: top
  • significance: high
  • originality: -
  • clarity: top
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

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