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Measurement-based quantum simulation of Abelian lattice gauge theories

by Hiroki Sukeno, Takuya Okuda

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Takuya Okuda · Hiroki Sukeno
Submission information
Preprint Link: scipost_202302_00027v1  (pdf)
Date accepted: 2023-03-29
Date submitted: 2023-02-15 04:53
Submitted by: Sukeno, Hiroki
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Quantum Physics
Approach: Theoretical


Numerical simulation of lattice gauge theories is an indispensable tool in high energy physics, and their quantum simulation is expected to become a major application of quantum computers in the future. In this work, for an Abelian lattice gauge theory in $d$ spacetime dimensions, we define an entangled resource state (generalized cluster state) that reflects the spacetime structure of the gauge theory. We show that sequential single-qubit measurements with the bases adapted according to the former measurement outcomes induce a deterministic Hamiltonian quantum simulation of the gauge theory on the boundary. Our construction includes the $(2+1)$-dimensional Abelian lattice gauge theory simulated on three-dimensional cluster state as an example, and generalizes to the simulation of Wegner's lattice models $M_{(d,n)}$ that involve higher-form Abelian gauge fields. We demonstrate that the generalized cluster state has a symmetry-protected topological order with respect to generalized global symmetries that are related to the symmetries of the simulated gauge theories on the boundary. Our procedure can be generalized to the simulation of Kitaev's Majorana chain on a fermionic resource state. We also study the imaginary-time quantum simulation with two-qubit measurements and post-selections, and a classical-quantum correspondence, where the statistical partition function of the model $M_{(d,n)}$ is written as the overlap between the product of two-qubit measurement bases and the wave function of the generalized cluster state.

Author comments upon resubmission

We thank the referees for their positive assessment of our manuscript. We have revised our manuscript according to the requests.

List of changes

Requested changes from Referee 1:

1. We now have “Section 1.1 Summary of Results.” In the last paragraph, we refer to Ref. [42] (Ref. [41] in the new version) more prominently than the previous version.

Requested changes from Referee 2:

1. We addressed some of the points raised in the report.
1-1. We added “Section 8.1 Discussion: comparison to circuit-based quantum simulation,” where we compare quantitatively the resources required for MBQS and the corresponding circuit-based quantum simulation.
1-2. We added citations regarding the suppression of gauge-variant contributions by adding energy penalties in Section 3.2.2. They appear as Ref. [25, 45–52].
2. We reorganized the Introduction, and we now have “Section 1.1 Summary of Results.”
3. We added Figure 2 to illustrate operations in cell complexes in Section 2.1.

Other changes:
1. We changed the manuscript to the SciPost format.
2. We added Ref. [67], which contains results that have some overlap to ours in Section 5.2.

Published as SciPost Phys. 14, 129 (2023)

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