Žiga Krajnik, Enej Ilievski, Tomaž Prosen, Vincent Pasquier
SciPost Phys. 11, 051 (2021) ·
published 9 September 2021
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We construct an integrable lattice model of classical interacting spins in discrete space-time, representing a discrete-time analogue of the lattice Landau-Lifshitz ferromagnet with uniaxial anisotropy. As an application we use this explicit discrete symplectic integration scheme to compute the spin Drude weight and diffusion constant as functions of anisotropy and chemical potential. We demonstrate qualitatively different behavior in the easy-axis and the easy-plane regimes in the non-magnetized sector. Upon approaching the isotropic point we also find an algebraic divergence of the diffusion constant, signaling a crossover to spin superdiffusion.
SciPost Phys. 9, 038 (2020) ·
published 14 September 2020
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We introduce a class of integrable dynamical systems of interacting classical matrix-valued fields propagating on a discrete space-time lattice, realized as many-body circuits built from elementary symplectic two-body maps. The models provide an efficient integrable Trotterization of non-relativistic $\sigma$-models with complex Grassmannian manifolds as target spaces, including, as special cases, the higher-rank analogues of the Landau-Lifshitz field theory on complex projective spaces. As an application, we study transport of Noether charges in canonical local equilibrium states. We find a clear signature of superdiffusive behavior in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class, irrespectively of the chosen underlying global unitary symmetry group and the quotient structure of the compact phase space, providing a strong indication of superuniversal physics.
Mr Krajnik: "We thank the referee for his c..."
in Submissions | report on Anisotropic Landau-Lifshitz Model in Discrete Space-Time