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Max-Planck-Institut für Physik / Max Planck Institute for Physics  [MPP]

Parent: Max Planck Society


Name Max Planck Institute for Physics
Name (original vn) Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
Acronym MPP
Country Germany
Type Research Institute
Status Active
ROR id (link)
Crossref Org ID (link) No Crossref Org ID found
Parent Max Planck Society

ROR information

ROR ID (link)
Primary Name Max Planck Institute for Physics
Alternative Names Werner Heisenberg Institute
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
Country Germany

Funder Registry instances associated to this Organization:

  • No Funder Registry instance found

    Without a Funder Registry instance, we cannot record funding acknowledgements to this Organization with Crossref.

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Associated Publications :

22 total publications


6 publications

  • Perturbative unitarity and the wavefunction of the Universe
    by Soner Albayrak, Paolo Benincasa, Carlos Duaso Pueyo,
    SciPost Phys. 16, 157 (2024)
  • Event generators for high-energy physics experiments
    by J. M. Campbell, M. Diefenthaler, T. J. Hobbs, S. Höche, J. Isaacson, F. Kling, S. Mrenna, J. Reuter, S. Alioli, J. R. Andersen, C. Andreopoulos, A. M. Ankowski, E. C. Aschenauer, A. Ashkenazi, M. D. Baker, J. L. Barrow, M. van Beekveld, G. Bewick, S. Bhattacharya, C. Bierlich, E. Bothmann, P. Bredt, A. Broggio, A. Buckley, A. Butter, J. M. Butterworth, E. P. Byrne, C. M. Carloni-Calame, S. Chakraborty, X. Chen, M. Chiesa, J. T. Childers, J. Cruz-Martinez, J. Currie, N. Darvishi, M. Dasgupta, A. Denner, F. A. Dreyer, S. Dytman, B. K. El-Menoufi, T. Engel, S. Ferrario Ravasio, D. Figueroa, L. Flower, J. R. Forshaw, R. Frederix, A. Friedland, S. Frixione, H. Gallagher, K. Gallmeister, S. Gardiner, R. Gauld, J. Gaunt, A. Gavardi, T. Gehrmann, A. Gehrmann-De Ridder, L. Gellersen, W. Giele, S. Gieseke, F. Giuli, E. W. N. Glover, M. Grazzini, A. Grohsjean, C. Gütschow, K. Hamilton, T. Han, R. Hatcher, G. Heinrich, I. Helenius, O. Hen, V. Hirschi, M. Höfer, J. Holguin, A. Huss, P. Ilten, S. Jadach, A. Jentsch, S. P. Jones, W. Ju, S. Kallweit, A. Karlberg, T. Katori, M. Kerner, W. Kilian, M. M. Kirchgaeßer, S. Klein, M. Knobbe, C. Krause, F. Krauss, J. Lang, J. -N. Lang, G. Lee, S. W. Li, M. A. Lim, J. M. Lindert, D. Lombardi, L. Lönnblad, M. Löschner, N. Lurkin, Y. Ma, P. Machado, V. Magerya, A. Maier, I. Majer, F. Maltoni, M. Marcoli, G. Marinelli, M. R. Masouminia, P. Mastrolia, O. Mattelaer, J. Mazzitelli, J. McFayden, R. Medves, P. Meinzinger, J. Mo, P. F. Monni, G. Montagna, T. Morgan, U. Mosel, B. Nachman, P. Nadolsky, R. Nagar, Z. Nagy, D. Napoletano, P. Nason, T. Neumann, L. J. Nevay, O. Nicrosini, J. Niehues, K. Niewczas, T. Ohl, G. Ossola, V. Pandey, A. Papadopoulou, A. Papaefstathiou, G. Paz, M. Pellen, G. Pelliccioli, T. Peraro, F. Piccinini, L. Pickering, J. Pires, W. Placzek, S. Plätzer, T. Plehn, S. Pozzorini, S. Prestel, C. T. Preuss, A. C. Price, S. Quackenbush, E. Re, D. Reichelt, L. Reina, C. Reuschle, P. Richardson, M. Rocco, N. Rocco, M. Roda, A. Rodriguez Garcia, S. Roiser, J. Rojo, L. Rottoli, G. P. Salam, M. Schönherr, S. Schuchmann, S. Schumann, R. Schürmann, L. Scyboz, M. H. Seymour, F. Siegert, A. Signer, G. Singh Chahal, A. Siódmok, T. Sjöstrand, P. Skands, J. M. Smillie, J. T. Sobczyk, D. Soldin, D. E. Soper, A. Soto-Ontoso, G. Soyez, G. Stagnitto, J. Tena-Vidal, O. Tomalak, F. Tramontano, S. Trojanowski, Z. Tu, S. Uccirati, T. Ullrich, Y. Ulrich, M. Utheim, A. Valassi, A. Verbytskyi, R. Verheyen, M. Wagman, D. Walker, B. R. Webber, L. Weinstein, O. White, J. Whitehead, M. Wiesemann, C. Wilkinson, C. Williams, R. Winterhalder, C. Wret, K. Xie, T-Z. Yang, E. Yazgan, G. Zanderighi, S. Zanoli, K. Zapp,
    SciPost Phys. 16, 130 (2024)
  • Quantum collider probes of the fermionic Higgs portal
    by Ulrich Haisch, Maximilian Ruhdorfer, Konstantin Schmid, Andreas Weiler,
    SciPost Phys. 16, 112 (2024)
  • Towards the computation of inclusive decay rates using lattice QCD
    by Paolo Gambino, Shoji Hashimoto, Sandro Mächler, Marco Panero, Francesco Sanfilippo, Silvano Simula, Antonio Smecca, Nazario Tantalo,
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 15, 004 (2024)
  • LHC tau-pair production constraints on $a_\tau$ and $d_\tau$
    by Ulrich Haisch, Luc Schnell, Joachim Weiss,
    SciPost Phys. 16, 048 (2024)
  • Precise predictions for boosted Higgs production
    by Kathrin Becker, Fabrizio Caola, Andrea Massironi, Bernhard Mistlberger, Pier F. Monni, Xuan Chen, Stefano Frixione, Thomas Gehrmann, Nigel Glover, Keith Hamilton, Alexander Huss, Stephen P. Jones, Alexander Karlberg, Matthias Kerner, Kirill Kudashkin, Jonas M. Lindert, Gionata Luisoni, Michelangelo L. Mangano, Stefano Pozzorini, Emanuele Re, Gavin P. Salam, Eleni Vryonidou, Christopher Wever,
    SciPost Phys. Core 7, 001 (2024)


6 publications

  • Exploring coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering of reactor neutrinos with the NUCLEUS experiment
    by C. Goupy, H. Abele, G. Angloher, A. Bento, L. Canonica, F. Cappella, L. Cardani, N. Casali, R. Cerulli, I. Colantoni, A. Cruciani, G. del Castello, M. del Gallo Roccagiovine, A. Doblhammer, S. Dorer, A. Erhart, M. Friendl, A. Garai, V. M. Ghete, D. Hauff, F. Jeanneau, E. Jericha, M. Kaznacheeva, A. Kinast, H. Kluck, A. Langenkämper, T. Lasserre, D. Lhuillier, M. Mancuso, B. Mauri, A. Mazzolari, E. Mazzucato, H. Neyrial, C. Nones, L. Oberauer, T. Ortmann, L. Pattavina, L. Peters, F. Petricca, W. Potzel, F. Pröbst, F. Pucci, F. Riendl, R. Rogly, M. Romagnoni, J. Rothe, N. Schermer, J. Schieck, S. Schönert, C. Schwertner, L. Scola, G. Soum Sidikov, L. Stodolsky, R. Strauss, M. Tamisari, C. Tomei, M. Vignati, M. Vivier, V. Wagner, A. Wex (The NUCLEUS collaboration),
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 053 (2023)
  • remoTES: A new design for the cryogenic NaI detectors of the COSINUS experiment
    by L. Einfalt, G. Angloher, Mukund Raghunath Bharadwaj, I. Dafinei, N. Di Marco, F. Ferroni, S. Fichtinger, A. Filipponi, T. Frank, M. Friedl, A. Fuss, Z. Ge, M. Heikinheimo, K. Huitu, M. Kellermann, R. Maji , M. Mancuso, L. Pagnanini, F. Petricca, S. Pirro, F. Pröbst, G. Profeta, A. Puiu, F. Reindl, K. Schäffner, J. Schieck, D. Schmiedmayer, C. Schwertner, M. Stahlberg, A. Stendahl, M. Stukel , F. Wagner, S. Yue, V. Zema, Y. Zhu,
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 033 (2023)
  • Background suppression in the COSINUS experiment: Active muon veto and radiopure materials selection
    by M. Stukel, G. Angloher, Mukund Raghunath Bharadwaj, I. Dafinei , N. Di Marco, L. Einfalt, F. Ferroni, S. Fichtinger, A. Filipponi, T. Frank, M. Friedl, A. Fuss , Z. Ge, M. Heikinheimo, K. Huitu, M. Kellermann, R. Maji, M. Mancuso, L. Pagnanini, F. Petricca, S. Pirro, F. Pröbst, G. Profeta, A. Puiu, F. Reindl, K. Schäffner, J. Schieck, D. Schmiedmayer, C. Schwertner, M. Stahlberg, A. Stendahl, F. Wagner, S. Yue, V. Zema, Y. Zhu,
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 032 (2023)
  • Characterisation of low background CaWO$_4$ crystals for CRESST-III
    by A. Kinast, G. Angloher, S. Banik, G. Benato, A. Bento, A. Bertolini, R. Breier, C. Bucci, J. Burkhart, L. Canonica, A. D'Addabbo, S. Di Lorenzo, L. Einfalt, A. Erb, F. v. Feilitzsch, N. Ferreiro Iachellini, S. Fichtinger, D. Fuchs, A. Fuss, A. Garai, V.M. Ghete, S. Gerster, P. Gorla, P.V. Guillaumon, S. Gupta, D. Hauff, M. Ješkovský, J. Jochum, M. Kaznacheeva, H. Kluck, H. Kraus, A. Langenkämper, M. Mancuso, L. Marini, L. Meyer, V. Mokina, A. Nilima, M. Olmi, T. Ortmann, C. Pagliarone, L. Pattavina, F. Petricca, W. Potzel, P. Povinec, F. Pröbst, F. Pucci, F. Reindl, J. Rothe, K. Schäffner, J. Schieck, D. Schmiedmayer, S. Schönert, C. Schwertner, M. Stahlberg, L. Stodolsky, C. Strandhagen, R. Strauss, I. Usherov, F. Wagner, M. Willers, V. Zema (CRESST Collaboration),
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 031 (2023)
  • Quenching Factor estimation of Na recoils in NaI(Tl) crystals using a low-energy pulsed neutron beam measurement
    by Mukund Raghunath Bharadwaj, G. Angloher, P. S. Barbeau, I. Dafinei, N. Di Marco, L. Einfalt, F. Ferroni, S. Fichtinger, A. Filipponi , T. Frank , M. Friedl , A. Fuss, Z. Ge , S. Hedges, M. Heikinheimo, K. Huitu, M. Kellermann, R. Maji, M. Mancuso, L. Pagnanini, F. Petricca, S. Pirro, F. Pröbst , G. Profeta, A. Puiu, F. Reindl , K. Schäffner, J. Schieck, D. Schmiedmayer , C. Schwertner , M. Stahlberg , A. Stendahl, M. Stukel , F. Wagner, S. Yue, V. Zema, Y. Zhu,
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 028 (2023)
  • Latest observations on the low energy excess in CRESST-III
    by G. Angloher, S. Banik, G. Benato, A. Bento, A. Bertolini, R. Breier, C. Bucci, L. Canonica, A. D'Addabbo, S. Di Lorenzo, L. Einfalt, A. Erb, F. von Feilitzsch, N. Ferreiro Iachellini, S. Fichtinger, D. Fuchs, A. Fuss, A. Garai, V. M. Ghete, S. Gerster, P. Gorla, P. V. Guillaumon, S. Gupta, D. Hauff, M. Ješkovský, J. Jochum, M. Kaznacheeva, A. Kinast, H. Kluck, H. Kraus, A. Langenkämper, M. Mancuso, L. Marini, L. Meyer, V. Mokina, A. Nilima, M. Olmi, T. Ortmann, C. Pagliarone, L. Pattavina, F. Petricca, W. Potzel, P. Povinec, F. Pröbst, F. Pucci, F. Reindl, J. Rothe, K. Schäffner, J. Schieck, D. Schmiedmayer, S. Schönert, C. Schwertner, M. Stahlberg, L. Stodolsky, C. Strandhagen, R. Strauss, I. Usherov, F. Wagner, M. Willers, V. Zema,
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 013 (2023)


9 publications

  • Looking for structure in the cobordism conjecture
    by David Andriot, Nils Carqueville, Niccolò Cribiori,
    SciPost Phys. 13, 071 (2022)
  • Determination of $α_{S}$ beyond $NNLO$ using the event shape averages
    by Adam Kardos, Gábor Somogyi, Andrii Verbytskyi,
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 10, 014 (2022)
  • EXCESS workshop: Descriptions of rising low-energy spectra
    by P. Adari, A. Aguilar-Arevalo, D. Amidei, G. Angloher, E. Armengaud, C. Augier, L. Balogh, S. Banik, D. Baxter, C. Beaufort, G. Beaulieu, V. Belov, Y. Ben Gal, G. Benato, A. Benoît, A. Bento, L. Bergé, A. Bertolini, R. Bhattacharyya, J. Billard, I.M. Bloch, A. Botti, R. Breier, G. Bres, J-.L. Bret, A. Broniatowski, A. Brossard, C. Bucci, R. Bunker, M. Cababie, M. Calvo, P. Camus, G. Cancelo, L. Canonica, F. Cappella, L. Cardani, J.-F. Caron, N. Casali, G.del Castello, A. Cazes, R. Cerulli, B.A. Cervantes Vergara, D. Chaize, M. Chapellier, L. Chaplinsky, F. Charlieux, M. Chaudhuri, A.E. Chavarria, G. Chemin, R. Chen, H. Chen, F. Chierchie, I. Colantoni, J. Colas, J. Cooley, J.-M. Coquillat, E.C. Corcoran, S. Crawford, M. Crisler, A. Cruciani, P. Cushman, A. D'Addabbo, J.C. D'Olivo, A. Dastgheibi-Fard, M. De Jésus, Y. Deng, J.B. Dent, E.L. Depaoli, K. Dering, S. Dharani, S. Di Lorenzo, A. Drlica-Wagner, L. Dumoulin, D. Durnford, B. Dutta, L. Einfalt, A. Erb, A. Erhart, R. Essig, J. Estrada, E. Etzion, O. Exshaw, F. Favela-Perez, F. v. Feilitzsch, G. Fernandez Moroni, N. Ferreiro Iachellini, S. Ferriol, S. Fichtinger, E. Figueroa-Feliciano, J.-B. Filippini, D. Filosofov, J. A. Formaggio, M. Friedl, S. Fuard, D. Fuchs, A. Fuss, R. Gaïor, A. Garai, C. Garrah, J. Gascon , G. Gerbier, M. Ghaith, V.M. Ghete, D. Gift, I. Giomataris, G. Giroux, A. Giuliani, P. Gorel, P. Gorla, C. Goupy, J. Goupy, C. Goy, M. Gros, P. Gros, Y. Guardincerri, C. Guerin, V. Guidi, O. Guillaudin, S. Gupta, E. Guy, P. Harrington, D. Hauff, S. T. Heine, S. A. Hertel, S.E. Holland, Z. Hong, E.W. Hoppe, T.W. Hossbach, J.-C. Ianigro, V. Iyer, A. Jastram, M. Ješkovský, Y. Jin, J. Jochum, J. P. Johnston, A. Juillard, D. Karaivanov, V. Kashyap, I. Katsioulas, S. Kazarcev, M. Kaznacheeva, F. Kelly, B. Kilminster, A. Kinast, L. Klinkenberg, H. Kluck, P. Knights, Y. Korn, H. Kraus, B. von Krosigk, A. Kubik, N.A. Kurinsky, J. Lamblin, A. Langenkämper, S. Langrock, T. Lasserre, H. Lattaud, P. Lautridou, I. Lawson, S.J. Lee, M. Lee, A. Letessier-Selvon, D. Lhuillier, M. Li, Y.-T. Lin, A. Lubashevskiy, R. Mahapatra, S. Maludze, M. Mancuso, I. Manthos, L. Marini, S. Marnieros, R.D. Martin, A. Matalon, J. Matthews, B. Mauri, D. W. Mayer, A. Mazzolari, E. Mazzucato, H. Meyer zu Theenhausen, E. Michielin, J. Minet, N. Mirabolfathi, K. v. Mirbach, D. Misiak, P. Mitra, J-.L. Mocellin, B. Mohanty, V. Mokina, J.-P. Mols, A. Monfardini, F. Mounier, S. Munagavalasa, J.-F. Muraz, X.-F. Navick, T. Neep, H. Neog, H. Neyrial, K. Nikolopoulos, A. Nilima, C. Nones, V. Novati, P. O'Brien, L. Oberauer, E. Olivieri, M. Olmi, A. Onillon, C. Oriol, A. Orly, J.L. Orrell, T. Ortmann, C.T. Overman, C. Pagliarone, V. Palušová, P. Pari, P. K. Patel, L. Pattavina, F. Petricca, A. Piers, H. D. Pinckney, M.-C. Piro, M. Platt, D. Poda, D. Ponomarev, W. Potzel, P. Povinec, F. Pröbst, P. Privitera, F. Pucci, K. Ramanathan, J.-S. Real, T. Redon, F. Reindl, R. Ren, A. Robert, J.Da Rocha, D. Rodrigues, R. Rogly, J. Rothe, N. Rowe, S. Rozov, I. Rozova, T. Saab, N. Saffold, T. Salagnac, J. Sander, V. Sanglard, D. Santos, Y. Sarkis, V. Savu, G. Savvidis, I. Savvidis, S. Schönert, K. Schäffner, N. Schermer, J. Schieck, B. Schmidt, D. Schmiedmayer, C. Schwertner, L. Scola, M. Settimo, Ye. Shevchik, V. Sibille, I. Sidelnik, A. Singal, R. Smida, M. Sofo Haro, T. Soldner, J. Stachurska, M. Stahlberg, L. Stefanazzi, L. Stodolsky, C. Strandhagen, R. Strauss, A. Stutz, R. Thomas, A. Thompson, J. Tiffenberg, C. Tomei, M. Traina, S. Uemura, I. Usherov, L. Vagneron, W. Van De Pontseele, F.A. Vazquez de Sola Fernandez, M. Vidal, M. Vignati, A.L. Virto, M. Vivier, T. Volansky, V. Wagner, F. Wagner, J. Walker, R. Ward, S.L. Watkins, A. Wex, M. Willers, M.J. Wilson, L. Winslow, E. Yakushev, T.-T. Yu, M. Zampaolo, A. Zaytsev, V. Zema, D. Zinatulina, A. Zolotarova,
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 9, 001 (2022)
  • Benchmarking LHC searches for light 2HDM+a pseudoscalars
    by Spyros Argyropoulos, Ulrich Haisch,
    SciPost Phys. 13, 007 (2022)
  • Measurements of $t\overline{t}$ production cross-sections with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
    by Margherita Spalla,
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 112 (2022)
  • Azimuthal correlations in diffractive scattering at the Electron-Ion Collider
    by Adrian Dumitru, Heikki Mäntysaari, Risto Paatelainen, Kaushik Roy, Farid Salazar, Björn Schenke,
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 102 (2022)
  • Double Virtual Contributions for Massless 2 -> 3 Scattering in NNLO QCD
    by Vasily Sotnikov,
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 002 (2022)
  • Physical representations for scattering amplitudes and the wavefunction of the universe
    by Paolo Benincasa, William J. Torres Bobadilla,
    SciPost Phys. 12, 192 (2022)
  • Publishing statistical models: Getting the most out of particle physics experiments
    by Kyle Cranmer, Sabine Kraml, Harrison B. Prosper, Philip Bechtle, Florian U. Bernlochner, Itay M. Bloch, Enzo Canonero, Marcin Chrzaszcz, Andrea Coccaro, Jan Conrad, Glen Cowan, Matthew Feickert, Nahuel Ferreiro Iachellini, Andrew Fowlie, Lukas Heinrich, Alexander Held, Thomas Kuhr, Anders Kvellestad, Maeve Madigan, Farvah Mahmoudi, Knut Dundas Morå, Mark S. Neubauer, Maurizio Pierini, Juan Rojo, Sezen Sekmen, Luca Silvestrini, Veronica Sanz, Giordon Stark, Riccardo Torre, Robert Thorne, Wolfgang Waltenberger, Nicholas Wardle, Jonas Wittbrodt,
    SciPost Phys. 12, 037 (2022)


1 publication

Associated Authors

49 authors

Affiliated Fellows

Currently active

1 fellow

  • Haisch, Ulrich


0 fellows

  • No fellowship found

Support history

Direct support

This Organization has not yet supported SciPost directly.

See also the subsidies from this parent organization:

Balance of SciPost expenditures versus support received

The following Expenditures (Max Planck Institute for Physics) table compiles the expenditures by SciPost to publish all papers which are associated to Max Planck Institute for Physics , and weighed by this Organization's PubFracs.

Help! What do these terms mean?
Concept Acronym Definition
Associated Publications An Organization's Associated Publications is the set of papers in which the Organization (or any of its children) is mentioned in author affiliations, or in the acknowledgements as grant-giver or funder.
Number of Associated Publications NAP Number of Associated Publications, compiled (depending on context) for a given year or over many years, for a specific Journal or for many, etc.
Publication Fraction PubFrac A fraction of a unit representing an Organization's "weight" for a given Publication.
The weight is given by the following simple algorithm:
  • First, the unit is split equally among each of the authors.
  • Then, for each author, their part is split equally among their affiliations.
  • The author parts are then binned per Organization.
By construction, any individual paper's PubFracs sum up to 1.
Expenditures We use the term Expenditures to represent the sum of all outflows of money required by our initiative to achieve a certain output (depending on context).
Average Publication Expenditures APEX For a given Journal for a given year, the average expenditures per Publication which our initiative has faced. All our APEX are listed on our APEX page.
Total Associated Expenditures Total expenditures ascribed to an Organization's Associated Publications (given for one or many years, Journals etc depending on context).
PubFrac share The fraction of expenditures which can be associated to an Organization, based on PubFracs. This is defined as APEX times PubFrac, summed over the set of Publications defined by the context (e.g. all Associated Publications of a given Organization for a given Journal in a given year).
Subsidy support Sum of the values of all Subsidies relevant to a given context (for example: from a given Organization in a given year).
Impact on reserves Difference between incoming and outgoing financial resources for the activities under consideration (again defined depending on context).
  • A positive impact on reserves means that our initiative is sustainable (and perhaps even able to grow).
  • A negative impact on reserves means that these activities are effectively depleting our available resources and threatening our sustainability.
Year (click to toggle details) NAP Total associated expenditures PubFrac
Impact on
Cumulative 22 €9668 €3065 €0 €-3065
Per year:
0 €0 €0 €0 €0

The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Max Planck Institute for Physics for 2025.

You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.

Expenditures (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
Journal APEX NAP Total associated expenditures PubFracs PubFracs expenditures share
6 €4400 €1075 €0 €-1075

The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Max Planck Institute for Physics for 2024.

You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.

Expenditures (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
Journal APEX NAP Total associated expenditures PubFracs PubFracs expenditures share
SciPostPhys €800 4 €3200 1.282 €1025
SciPostPhysCore €800 1 €800 0.043 €34
SciPostPhysProc €400 1 €400 0.041 €16
6 €1482 €390 €0 €-390

The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Max Planck Institute for Physics for 2023.

You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.

Expenditures (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
Journal APEX NAP Total associated expenditures PubFracs PubFracs expenditures share
SciPostPhysProc €247 6 €1482 1.581 €390
9 €2886 €1375 €0 €-1375

The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Max Planck Institute for Physics for 2022.

You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.

Expenditures (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
Journal APEX NAP Total associated expenditures PubFracs PubFracs expenditures share
SciPostPhys €444 4 €1776 1.863 €827
SciPostPhysProc €222 5 €1110 2.47 €548
1 €900 €225 €0 €-225

The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Max Planck Institute for Physics for 2021.

You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.

Expenditures (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
Journal APEX NAP Total associated expenditures PubFracs PubFracs expenditures share
SciPostPhysLectNotes €900 1 €900 0.25 €225
0 €0 €0 €0 €0

The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Max Planck Institute for Physics for 2020.

You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.

Expenditures (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
Journal APEX NAP Total associated expenditures PubFracs PubFracs expenditures share
0 €0 €0 €0 €0

The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Max Planck Institute for Physics for 2019.

You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.

Expenditures (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
Journal APEX NAP Total associated expenditures PubFracs PubFracs expenditures share
0 €0 €0 €0 €0

The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Max Planck Institute for Physics for 2018.

You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.

Expenditures (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
Journal APEX NAP Total associated expenditures PubFracs PubFracs expenditures share
0 €0 €0 €0 €0

The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Max Planck Institute for Physics for 2017.

You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.

Expenditures (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
Journal APEX NAP Total associated expenditures PubFracs PubFracs expenditures share