Università degli Studi di Torino / University of Turin [UNITO]
Name | University of Turin |
Name (original vn) | Università degli Studi di Torino |
Acronym | UNITO |
Country | Italy |
Address | |
Type | University (and its Library) |
Status | Active |
ROR id (link) | https://ror.org/048tbm396 |
Crossref Org ID (link) | No Crossref Org ID found |
ROR information
ROR ID (link) | https://ror.org/048tbm396 |
Primary Name | University of Turin |
Alternative Names |
Università degli Studi di Torino
Universitat de Torí Universität Turin Université de Turin UNITO |
Country | Italy |
Website(s) |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Turin |
Funder Registry instances associated to this Organization:
- Università degli Studi di Torino
Associated Publications :
21 total publications
1 publication
Introduction to string theory
by Carlo Maccaferri, Fabio Marino, Beniamino Valsesia,
SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 90 (2025)
2 publications
Event generators for high-energy physics experiments
by J. M. Campbell, M. Diefenthaler, T. J. Hobbs, S. Höche, J. Isaacson, F. Kling, S. Mrenna, J. Reuter, S. Alioli, J. R. Andersen, C. Andreopoulos, A. M. Ankowski, E. C. Aschenauer, A. Ashkenazi, M. D. Baker, J. L. Barrow, M. van Beekveld, G. Bewick, S. Bhattacharya, C. Bierlich, E. Bothmann, P. Bredt, A. Broggio, A. Buckley, A. Butter, J. M. Butterworth, E. P. Byrne, C. M. Carloni-Calame, S. Chakraborty, X. Chen, M. Chiesa, J. T. Childers, J. Cruz-Martinez, J. Currie, N. Darvishi, M. Dasgupta, A. Denner, F. A. Dreyer, S. Dytman, B. K. El-Menoufi, T. Engel, S. Ferrario Ravasio, D. Figueroa, L. Flower, J. R. Forshaw, R. Frederix, A. Friedland, S. Frixione, H. Gallagher, K. Gallmeister, S. Gardiner, R. Gauld, J. Gaunt, A. Gavardi, T. Gehrmann, A. Gehrmann-De Ridder, L. Gellersen, W. Giele, S. Gieseke, F. Giuli, E. W. N. Glover, M. Grazzini, A. Grohsjean, C. Gütschow, K. Hamilton, T. Han, R. Hatcher, G. Heinrich, I. Helenius, O. Hen, V. Hirschi, M. Höfer, J. Holguin, A. Huss, P. Ilten, S. Jadach, A. Jentsch, S. P. Jones, W. Ju, S. Kallweit, A. Karlberg, T. Katori, M. Kerner, W. Kilian, M. M. Kirchgaeßer, S. Klein, M. Knobbe, C. Krause, F. Krauss, J. Lang, J. -N. Lang, G. Lee, S. W. Li, M. A. Lim, J. M. Lindert, D. Lombardi, L. Lönnblad, M. Löschner, N. Lurkin, Y. Ma, P. Machado, V. Magerya, A. Maier, I. Majer, F. Maltoni, M. Marcoli, G. Marinelli, M. R. Masouminia, P. Mastrolia, O. Mattelaer, J. Mazzitelli, J. McFayden, R. Medves, P. Meinzinger, J. Mo, P. F. Monni, G. Montagna, T. Morgan, U. Mosel, B. Nachman, P. Nadolsky, R. Nagar, Z. Nagy, D. Napoletano, P. Nason, T. Neumann, L. J. Nevay, O. Nicrosini, J. Niehues, K. Niewczas, T. Ohl, G. Ossola, V. Pandey, A. Papadopoulou, A. Papaefstathiou, G. Paz, M. Pellen, G. Pelliccioli, T. Peraro, F. Piccinini, L. Pickering, J. Pires, W. Placzek, S. Plätzer, T. Plehn, S. Pozzorini, S. Prestel, C. T. Preuss, A. C. Price, S. Quackenbush, E. Re, D. Reichelt, L. Reina, C. Reuschle, P. Richardson, M. Rocco, N. Rocco, M. Roda, A. Rodriguez Garcia, S. Roiser, J. Rojo, L. Rottoli, G. P. Salam, M. Schönherr, S. Schuchmann, S. Schumann, R. Schürmann, L. Scyboz, M. H. Seymour, F. Siegert, A. Signer, G. Singh Chahal, A. Siódmok, T. Sjöstrand, P. Skands, J. M. Smillie, J. T. Sobczyk, D. Soldin, D. E. Soper, A. Soto-Ontoso, G. Soyez, G. Stagnitto, J. Tena-Vidal, O. Tomalak, F. Tramontano, S. Trojanowski, Z. Tu, S. Uccirati, T. Ullrich, Y. Ulrich, M. Utheim, A. Valassi, A. Verbytskyi, R. Verheyen, M. Wagman, D. Walker, B. R. Webber, L. Weinstein, O. White, J. Whitehead, M. Wiesemann, C. Wilkinson, C. Williams, R. Winterhalder, C. Wret, K. Xie, T-Z. Yang, E. Yazgan, G. Zanderighi, S. Zanoli, K. Zapp,
SciPost Phys. 16, 130 (2024) -
Towards the computation of inclusive decay rates using lattice QCD
by Paolo Gambino, Shoji Hashimoto, Sandro Mächler, Marco Panero, Francesco Sanfilippo, Silvano Simula, Antonio Smecca, Nazario Tantalo,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 15, 004 (2024)
9 publications
Primary cosmic ray energy spectrum and mean mass composition using data from the TAIGA astrophysical complex
by V. Prosin, I. Astapov, P. Bezyazeekov, E. Bonvech, A. Borodin, A. Bulan, A. Chiavassa, D. Chernov, A. Dyachok, A. Gafarov, A. Garmash, V. Grebenyuk, O. Gress, E. Gress, T. Gress, A. Grinyuk, O. Grishin, A. D. Ivanova, A. L. Ivanova, N. Kalmykov, V. Kindin, S. Kiryuhin, R. Kokoulin, K. Kompaniets, E. Korosteleva, V. Kozhin, E. Kravchenko, A. Kryukov, L. Kuzmichev, A. Lagutin, M. Lavrova, Y. Lemeshev, B. Lubsandorzhiev, N. Lubsandorzhiev, A. Lukanov, D. Lukyantsev, S. Malakhov, R. Mirgazov, R. Monkhoev, E. Okuneva, E. Osipova, A. Pakhorukov, A. Pan, L. Panasenko, L. Pankov, A. D. Panov, A. Petrukhin, I. Poddubny, D. Podgrudkov, V. Poleschuk, V. Ponomareva, E. Popova, E. Postnikov, V. Ptuskin, A. Pushnin, R. Raikin, A. Razumov, G. Rubtsov, E. Ryabov, Y. Sagan, V. Samoliga, A. Silaev, A. Silaev, A. Sidorenkov, A. Skurikhin, A. Sokolov, L. Sveshnikova, V. Tabolenko, A. Tanaev, B. Tarashchansky, M. Y. Ternovoy, L. Tkachev, R. Togoo, N. Ushakov, A. Vaidyanathan, P. Volchugov, N. Volkov, D. Voronin, A. Zagorodnikov, A. Zhaglova, D. Zhurov, I. Yashin,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 037 (2023) -
Results from recent analysis of KASCADE-Grande data
by Donghwa Kang, J. C. Arteaga-Velázquez, M. Bertaina, A. Chiavassa, K. Daumiller, V. de Souza, R. Engel, A. Gherghel-Lascu, C. Grupen, A. Haungs, J. R. Hörandel, T. Huege, K. -H. Kampert, K. Link, H. J. Mathes, S. Ostapchenko, T. Pierog, D. Rivera-Rangel, M. Roth, H. Schieler, F. G. Schröder, O. Sima, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 036 (2023) -
TAIGA - An advanced hybrid detector complex for astroparticle physics and high energy gamma-ray astronomy
by N. M. Budnev, I. Astapov, P. Bezyazeekov, E. Bonvech, A. Borodin, A. Bulan, D. Chernov, A. Chiavassa, A. Dyachok, A. Gafarov, A. Garmash, V. Grebenyuk, E. Gress, O. Gress, T. Gress, A. Grinyuk, O. Grishin, A. D. Ivanova, A. L. Ivanova, N. Kalmykov, V. Kindin, S. Kiryuhin, R. Kokoulin, K. Kompaniets, E. Korosteleva, V. Kozhin, E. Kravchenko, A. Kryukov, L. Kuzmichev, A. Lagutin, M. Lavrova, Y. Lemeshev, B. Lubsandorzhiev, N. Lubsandorzhiev, A. Lukanov, D. Lukyantsev, S. Malakhov, R. Mirgazov, R. Monkhoev, E. Osipova, A. Pakhorukov, L. Pankov, A. Pan, A. Panov, A. Petrukhin, I. Poddubnyi, D. Podgrudkov, V. Ponomareva, E. Popova, E. Postnikov, V. Prosin, V. Ptuskin, A. Pushnin, R. Raikin, A. Razumov, G. Rubtsov, E. Ryabov, V. Samoliga, A. Satyshev, A. Silaev, A. Silaev, A. Sidorenkov, A. Skurikhin, A. Sokolov, L. Sveshnikova, V. Tabolenko, L. Tkachev, A. Tanaev, M. Ternovoy, R. Togoo, N. Ushakov, A. Vaidyanathan, P. Volchugov, N. Volkov, D. Voronin, A. Zagorodnikov, D. Zhurov, I. Yashin,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 027 (2023) -
The Tunka-Grande scintillation array: Current results
by A. L. Ivanova, I. Astapov, P. Bezyazeekov, E. Bonvech, A. Borodin, N. Budnev, A. Bulan, D. Chernov, A. Chiavassa, A. Dyachok, A. Gafarov, A. Garmash, V. Grebenyuk, E. Gress, O. Gress, T. Gress, A. Grinyuk, O. Grishin, A. D. Ivanova, N. Kalmykov, V. Kindin, S. Kiryuhin, R. Kokoulin, K. Kompaniets, E. Korosteleva, V. Kozhin, E. Kravchenko, A. Kryukov, L. Kuzmichev, A. Lagutin, M. Lavrova, Y. Lemeshev, B. Lubsandorzhiev, N. Lubsandorzhiev, A. Lukanov, D. Lukyantsev, S. Malakhov, R. Mirgazov, R. Monkhoev, E. Osipova, A. Pakhorukov, L. Pankov, A. Pan, A. Panov, A. Petrukhin, I. Poddubnyi, D. Podgrudkov, V. Poleschuk, V. Ponomareva, E. Popova, E. Postnikov, V. Prosin, V. Ptuskin, A. Pushnin, R. Raikin, A. Razumov, G. Rubtsov, E. Ryabov, Y. Sagan, V. Samoliga, A. Satyshev, A. Silaev, A. Silaev, A. Sidorenkov, A. Skurikhin, A. Sokolov, L. Sveshnikova, V. Tabolenko, L. Tkachev, A. Tanaev, M. Ternovoy, R. Togoo, N. Ushakov, A. Vaidyanathan, P. Volchugov, N. Volkov, D. Voronin, A. Zagorodnikov, D. Zhurov, I. Yashin,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 011 (2023) -
New determination of the production cross section for secondary positrons and electrons in the Galaxy
by Luca Orusa, Mattia Di Mauro, Fiorenza Donato, Michael Korsmeier,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 006 (2023) -
Conformal dispersion relations for defects and boundaries
by Lorenzo Bianchi, Davide Bonomi,
SciPost Phys. 15, 055 (2023) -
Radiation, entanglement and islands from a boundary local quench
by Lorenzo Bianchi, Stefano De Angelis, Marco Meineri,
SciPost Phys. 14, 148 (2023) -
Loop amplitudes from precision networks
by Simon Badger, Anja Butter, Michel Luchmann, Sebastian Pitz, Tilman Plehn,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 034 (2023) -
Machine learning and LHC event generation
by Anja Butter, Tilman Plehn, Steffen Schumann, Simon Badger, Sascha Caron, Kyle Cranmer, Francesco Armando Di Bello, Etienne Dreyer, Stefano Forte, Sanmay Ganguly, Dorival Gonçalves, Eilam Gross, Theo Heimel, Gudrun Heinrich, Lukas Heinrich, Alexander Held, Stefan Höche, Jessica N. Howard, Philip Ilten, Joshua Isaacson, Timo Janßen, Stephen Jones, Marumi Kado, Michael Kagan, Gregor Kasieczka, Felix Kling, Sabine Kraml, Claudius Krause, Frank Krauss, Kevin Kröninger, Rahool Kumar Barman, Michel Luchmann, Vitaly Magerya, Daniel Maitre, Bogdan Malaescu, Fabio Maltoni, Till Martini, Olivier Mattelaer, Benjamin Nachman, Sebastian Pitz, Juan Rojo, Matthew Schwartz, David Shih, Frank Siegert, Roy Stegeman, Bob Stienen, Jesse Thaler, Rob Verheyen, Daniel Whiteson, Ramon Winterhalder, Jure Zupan,
SciPost Phys. 14, 079 (2023)
9 publications
Phenomenological extraction of a universal TMD fragmentation function from single hadron production in $e^+ e^-$ annihilations
by M. Boglione, J.O. Gonzalez-Hernandez, A. Simonelli,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 139 (2022) -
A new method to extract the valence transversity distributions
by Mauro Anselmino, Raj Kishore, Asmita Mukherjee,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 052 (2022) -
Reweighting the quark Sivers function with STAR jet data
by Carlo Flore, Maria Elena Boglione, Umberto D'Alesio, Josè Osvaldo Gonzalez-Hernandez, Francesco Murgia, Alexei Prokudin,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 034 (2022) -
Measurement of Target Spin (in)dependent Asymmetries in Dimuon Production in Pion-Nucleon Collisions at COMPASS
by Yu-Hsiang Lien, Alexandr Chumakov,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 028 (2022) -
A differential-geometry approach to operator mixing in massless QCD-like theories and Poincaré-Dulac theorem
by Matteo Becchetti,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 032 (2022) -
The Soft Anomalous Dimension at four loops in the Regge Limit
by Niamh Maher, Giulio Falcioni, Einan Gardi, Calum Milloy, Leonardo Vernazza,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 013 (2022) -
A pitfall in applying non-anticommuting $γ_5$ in $q\overline{q} \rightarrow ZH$ amplitudes
by Taushif Ahmed,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 008 (2022) -
Two-parton scattering in the high-energy limit: climbing two- and three-Reggeon ladders
by G. Falcioni, E. Gardi, N. Maher, C. Milloy, L. Vernazza,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 007 (2022) -
Master integrals contributing to two-loop leading colour QCD helicity amplitudes for top-quark pair production in the gluon fusion channel
by Ekta Chaubey,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 001 (2022)
Associated Authors
22 authors
- Ahmed, Dr Taushif
- Anselmino, Dr Mauro
- Badger, Dr Simon
- Becchetti, Dr Matteo
- Bertaina, Dr M.
- Bianchi, Dr Lorenzo
- Boglione, Prof. Mariaelena
- Chaubey, Dr Ekta
- Chiavassa, Dr Andrea
- Chumakov, Dr Alexandr
- Donato, Dr Fiorenza
- Gambino, Dr Paolo
- Gonzalez-Hernandez, Dr Josè Osvaldo
- Maccaferri, Prof. Carlo
- Milloy, Dr Calum
- Mächler, Dr Sandro
- Orusa, Dr Luca
- Panero, Prof. Marco
- Simonelli, Dr Andrea
- Smecca, Mr Antonio
- Uccirati, Dr Sandro
- Vernazza, Dr Leonardo
Affiliated Fellows
Currently active
0 fellows
- No fellowship found
1 fellow
- Caselle, Michele
Support history
Direct support
This Organization has not yet supported SciPost directly.
Balance of SciPost expenditures versus support received
The following Expenditures (University of Turin) table compiles the expenditures by SciPost to publish all papers which are associated to University of Turin , and weighed by this Organization's PubFracs.
Help! What do these terms mean?
Concept | Acronym | Definition |
Associated Publications | An Organization's Associated Publications is the set of papers in which the Organization (or any of its children) is mentioned in author affiliations, or in the acknowledgements as grant-giver or funder. | |
Number of Associated Publications | NAP | Number of Associated Publications, compiled (depending on context) for a given year or over many years, for a specific Journal or for many, etc. |
Publication Fraction | PubFrac | A fraction of a unit representing an Organization's "weight" for a given Publication. The weight is given by the following simple algorithm:
Expenditures | We use the term Expenditures to represent the sum of all outflows of money required by our initiative to achieve a certain output (depending on context). | |
Average Publication Expenditures | APEX | For a given Journal for a given year, the average expenditures per Publication which our initiative has faced. All our APEX are listed on our APEX page. |
Total Associated Expenditures | Total expenditures ascribed to an Organization's Associated Publications (given for one or many years, Journals etc depending on context). | |
PubFrac share | The fraction of expenditures which can be associated to an Organization, based on PubFracs. This is defined as APEX times PubFrac, summed over the set of Publications defined by the context (e.g. all Associated Publications of a given Organization for a given Journal in a given year). | |
Subsidy support | Sum of the values of all Subsidies relevant to a given context (for example: from a given Organization in a given year). | |
Impact on reserves | Difference between incoming and outgoing financial resources for the activities under consideration (again defined depending on context).
Year (click to toggle details) | NAP | Total associated expenditures | PubFrac share |
Subsidy support |
Impact on reserves |
Cumulative | 21 | €7313 | €1710 | €0 | €-1710 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Per year: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2025 (ongoing) | 1 | €900 | €149 | €0 | €-149 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of Turin for 2025. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2024 | 2 | €1200 | €86 | €0 | €-86 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of Turin for 2024. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2023 | 9 | €3215 | €399 | €0 | €-399 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of Turin for 2023. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2022 | 9 | €1998 | €1076 | €0 | €-1076 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of Turin for 2022. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2021 | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of Turin for 2021. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2020 | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of Turin for 2020. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2019 | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of Turin for 2019. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2018 | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of Turin for 2018. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2017 | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of Turin for 2017. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.