Funder Horizon 2020
All Publications related to Horizon 2020
Gapped phases with non-invertible symmetries: (1+1)d
by Lakshya Bhardwaj, Lea E. Bottini, Daniel Pajer, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki,
SciPost Phys. 18, 032 (2025) -
Consistent, multidimensional differential histogramming and summary statistics with YODA 2
by Andy Buckley, Louie Corpe, Matthew Filipovich, Christian Gutschow, Nick Rozinsky, Simon Thor, Yoran Yeh, Jamie Yellen,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 45 (2025) -
Codebase release 2.0 for YODA
by Andy Buckley, Louie Corpe, Matthew Filipovich, Christian Gutschow, Nick Rozinsky, Simon Thor, Yoran Yeh, Jamie Yellen,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 45-r2.0 (2025) -
Fermionic tensor network methods
by Quinten Mortier, Lukas Devos, Lander Burgelman, Bram Vanhecke, Nick Bultinck, Frank Verstraete, Jutho Haegeman, Laurens Vanderstraeten,
SciPost Phys. 18, 012 (2025) -
Population genetics: An introduction for physicists
by Andrea Iglesias-Ramas, Samuele Pio Lipani, Rosalind J. Allen,
SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 89 (2024) -
Tensor network Python (TeNPy) version 1
by Johannes Hauschild, Jakob Unfried, Sajant Anand, Bartholomew Andrews, Marcus Bintz, Umberto Borla, Stefan Divic, Markus Drescher, Jan Geiger, Martin Hefel, Kévin Hémery, Wilhelm Kadow, Jack Kemp, Nico Kirchner, Vincent S. Liu, Gunnar Möller, Daniel Parker, Michael Rader, Anton Romen, Samuel Scalet, Leon Schoonderwoerd, Maximilian Schulz, Tomohiro Soejima, Philipp Thoma, Yantao Wu, Philip Zechmann, Ludwig Zweng, Roger S. K. Mong, Michael P. Zaletel, Frank Pollmann,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 41 (2024) -
Boundary chaos: Spectral form factor
by Felix Fritzsch, Tomaž Prosen,
SciPost Phys. 17, 142 (2024) -
Non-unitary quantum many-body dynamics using the Faber polynomial method
by Rafael Diogo Soares, Marco Schirò,
SciPost Phys. 17, 128 (2024) -
Robust independent validation of experiment and theory: Rivet version 4 release note
by Christian Bierlich, Andy Buckley, Jonathan Butterworth, Christian Gutschow, Leif Lonnblad, Tomasz Procter, Peter Richardson, Yoran Yeh,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 36 (2024) -
Codebase release 4.0 for RIVET
by Christian Bierlich, Andy Buckley, Jonathan Butterworth, Christian Gutschow, Leif Lonnblad, Tomasz Procter, Peter Richardson, Yoran Yeh,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 36-r4.0 (2024) -
Tangentially active polymers in cylindrical channels
by José Martín-Roca, Emanuele Locatelli, Valentino Bianco, Paolo Malgaretti, Chantal Valeriani,
SciPost Phys. 17, 107 (2024) -
Flux-tunable Kitaev chain in a quantum dot array
by Juan Daniel Torres Luna, A. Mert Bozkurt, Michael Wimmer, Chun-Xiao Liu,
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 065 (2024) -
Markovian to non-Markovian phase transition in the operator dynamics of a mobile impurity
by Dominic Gribben, Jamir Marino, Shane P. Kelly,
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 060 (2024) -
Self-force framework for transition-to-plunge waveforms
by Lorenzo Küchler, Geoffrey Compère, Leanne Durkan, Adam Pound,
SciPost Phys. 17, 056 (2024) -
Dissipative preparation of a Floquet topological insulator in an optical lattice via bath engineering
by Alexander Schnell, Christof Weitenberg, André Eckardt,
SciPost Phys. 17, 052 (2024) -
Heavy-light $N+1$ clusters of two-dimensional fermions
by Jules Givois, Andrea Tononi, Dmitry S. Petrov,
SciPost Phys. 17, 050 (2024) -
Precision magnetometry exploiting excited state quantum phase transitions
by Qian Wang, Ugo Marzolino,
SciPost Phys. 17, 043 (2024) -
Combining QED and approximate ${\rm N}^3$LO QCD corrections in a global PDF fit: MSHT20qed_an3lo PDFs
by T. Cridge, L. A. Harland-Lang, R. S. Thorne,
SciPost Phys. 17, 026 (2024) -
Loop equations for generalised eigenvalue models
by Edoardo Vescovi, Konstantin Zarembo,
SciPost Phys. 17, 017 (2024) -
Efficient adaptive Bayesian estimation of a slowly fluctuating Overhauser field gradient
by Jacob Benestad, Jan A. Krzywda, Evert van Nieuwenburg, Jeroen Danon,
SciPost Phys. 17, 014 (2024) -
THz higher-order topological photonics in Ge-on-Si heterostructures
by Ian Colombo, Pietro Minazzi, Emiliano Bonera, Fabio Pezzoli, Jacopo Pedrini,
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 039 (2024) -
The quantum Ising chain for beginners
by Glen Bigan Mbeng, Angelo Russomanno, Giuseppe E. Santoro,
SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 82 (2024) -
On $\varepsilon$-factorised bases and pure Feynman integrals
by Hjalte Frellesvig, Stefan Weinzierl,
SciPost Phys. 16, 150 (2024) -
Search for light WIMP recoils on methane with NEWS-G
by Francisco A. Vazquez de Sola Fernandez on behalf of the NEWS-G collaboration,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 073 (2024) -
Fermionic quantum computation with Cooper pair splitters
by Kostas Vilkelis, Antonio Manesco, Juan Daniel Torres Luna, Sebastian Miles, Michael Wimmer, Anton Akhmerov,
SciPost Phys. 16, 135 (2024) -
Physical and unphysical regimes of self-consistent many-body perturbation theory
by Kris Van Houcke, Evgeny Kozik, Riccardo Rossi, Youjin Deng, Félix Werner,
SciPost Phys. 16, 133 (2024) -
Accessing CKM suppressed top decays at the LHC
by Darius A. Faroughy, Jernej F. Kamenik, Manuel Szewc, Jure Zupan,
SciPost Phys. 16, 131 (2024) -
Event generators for high-energy physics experiments
by J. M. Campbell, M. Diefenthaler, T. J. Hobbs, S. Höche, J. Isaacson, F. Kling, S. Mrenna, J. Reuter, S. Alioli, J. R. Andersen, C. Andreopoulos, A. M. Ankowski, E. C. Aschenauer, A. Ashkenazi, M. D. Baker, J. L. Barrow, M. van Beekveld, G. Bewick, S. Bhattacharya, C. Bierlich, E. Bothmann, P. Bredt, A. Broggio, A. Buckley, A. Butter, J. M. Butterworth, E. P. Byrne, C. M. Carloni-Calame, S. Chakraborty, X. Chen, M. Chiesa, J. T. Childers, J. Cruz-Martinez, J. Currie, N. Darvishi, M. Dasgupta, A. Denner, F. A. Dreyer, S. Dytman, B. K. El-Menoufi, T. Engel, S. Ferrario Ravasio, D. Figueroa, L. Flower, J. R. Forshaw, R. Frederix, A. Friedland, S. Frixione, H. Gallagher, K. Gallmeister, S. Gardiner, R. Gauld, J. Gaunt, A. Gavardi, T. Gehrmann, A. Gehrmann-De Ridder, L. Gellersen, W. Giele, S. Gieseke, F. Giuli, E. W. N. Glover, M. Grazzini, A. Grohsjean, C. Gütschow, K. Hamilton, T. Han, R. Hatcher, G. Heinrich, I. Helenius, O. Hen, V. Hirschi, M. Höfer, J. Holguin, A. Huss, P. Ilten, S. Jadach, A. Jentsch, S. P. Jones, W. Ju, S. Kallweit, A. Karlberg, T. Katori, M. Kerner, W. Kilian, M. M. Kirchgaeßer, S. Klein, M. Knobbe, C. Krause, F. Krauss, J. Lang, J. -N. Lang, G. Lee, S. W. Li, M. A. Lim, J. M. Lindert, D. Lombardi, L. Lönnblad, M. Löschner, N. Lurkin, Y. Ma, P. Machado, V. Magerya, A. Maier, I. Majer, F. Maltoni, M. Marcoli, G. Marinelli, M. R. Masouminia, P. Mastrolia, O. Mattelaer, J. Mazzitelli, J. McFayden, R. Medves, P. Meinzinger, J. Mo, P. F. Monni, G. Montagna, T. Morgan, U. Mosel, B. Nachman, P. Nadolsky, R. Nagar, Z. Nagy, D. Napoletano, P. Nason, T. Neumann, L. J. Nevay, O. Nicrosini, J. Niehues, K. Niewczas, T. Ohl, G. Ossola, V. Pandey, A. Papadopoulou, A. Papaefstathiou, G. Paz, M. Pellen, G. Pelliccioli, T. Peraro, F. Piccinini, L. Pickering, J. Pires, W. Placzek, S. Plätzer, T. Plehn, S. Pozzorini, S. Prestel, C. T. Preuss, A. C. Price, S. Quackenbush, E. Re, D. Reichelt, L. Reina, C. Reuschle, P. Richardson, M. Rocco, N. Rocco, M. Roda, A. Rodriguez Garcia, S. Roiser, J. Rojo, L. Rottoli, G. P. Salam, M. Schönherr, S. Schuchmann, S. Schumann, R. Schürmann, L. Scyboz, M. H. Seymour, F. Siegert, A. Signer, G. Singh Chahal, A. Siódmok, T. Sjöstrand, P. Skands, J. M. Smillie, J. T. Sobczyk, D. Soldin, D. E. Soper, A. Soto-Ontoso, G. Soyez, G. Stagnitto, J. Tena-Vidal, O. Tomalak, F. Tramontano, S. Trojanowski, Z. Tu, S. Uccirati, T. Ullrich, Y. Ulrich, M. Utheim, A. Valassi, A. Verbytskyi, R. Verheyen, M. Wagman, D. Walker, B. R. Webber, L. Weinstein, O. White, J. Whitehead, M. Wiesemann, C. Wilkinson, C. Williams, R. Winterhalder, C. Wret, K. Xie, T-Z. Yang, E. Yazgan, G. Zanderighi, S. Zanoli, K. Zapp,
SciPost Phys. 16, 130 (2024) -
Vertical and lateral manipulation of single Cs atoms on the semiconductor InAs(111)A
by Rian A. M. Ligthart, Cristophe Coinon, Ludovic Desplanque, Xavier Wallart, Ingmar Swart,
SciPost Phys. 16, 096 (2024) -
Generalized charges, part I: Invertible symmetries and higher representations
by Lakshya Bhardwaj, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki,
SciPost Phys. 16, 093 (2024) -
Radiative asymptotic symmetries of 3D Einstein-Maxwell theory
by Jorrit Bosma, Marc Geiller, Sucheta Majumdar, Blagoje Oblak,
SciPost Phys. 16, 092 (2024) -
Amplitude and colour evolution
by Simon Plätzer,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 15, 007 (2024) -
Towards better discrimination and improved modelling of dark-sector showers
by Andy Buckley, Deepak Kar, Sukanya Sinha,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 15, 006 (2024) -
Anomalies of generalized symmetries from solitonic defects
by Lakshya Bhardwaj, Mathew Bullimore, Andrea E. V. Ferrari, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki,
SciPost Phys. 16, 087 (2024) -
Anomalous Luttinger equivalence between temperature and curved spacetime: From black holes to thermal quenches
by Baptiste Bermond, Maxim Nikolaevich Chernodub, Adolfo G. Grushin, David Carpentier,
SciPost Phys. 16, 084 (2024) -
Thouless pumping in Josephson junction arrays
by Stavros Athanasiou, Ida Egholm Nielsen, Matteo M. Wauters, Michele Burrello,
SciPost Phys. 16, 083 (2024) -
Variational quantum gate optimization at the pulse level
by Sean Greenaway, Francesco Petiziol, Hongzheng Zhao, Florian Mintert,
SciPost Phys. 16, 082 (2024) -
Exploring kinetically induced bound states in triangular lattices with ultracold atoms: Spectroscopic approach
by Ivan Morera Navarro, Christof Weitenberg, Klaus Sengstock, Eugene Demler,
SciPost Phys. 16, 081 (2024) -
Generalized symmetries and anomalies of 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ SCFTs
by Lakshya Bhardwaj, Mathew Bullimore, Andrea E. V. Ferrari, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki,
SciPost Phys. 16, 080 (2024) -
Ab initio electron-lattice downfolding: Potential energy landscapes, anharmonicity, and molecular dynamics in charge density wave materials
by Arne Schobert, Jan Berges, Erik G. C. P. van Loon, Michael A. Sentef, Sergey Brener, Mariana Rossi, Tim O. Wehling,
SciPost Phys. 16, 046 (2024) -
The bosonic skin effect: Boundary condensation in asymmetric transport
by Louis Garbe, Yuri Minoguchi, Julian Huber, Peter Rabl,
SciPost Phys. 16, 029 (2024) -
Jet substructure observables for jet quenching in quark gluon plasma: A machine learning driven analysis
by Miguel Crispim Romão, José Guilherme Milhano, Marco van Leeuwen,
SciPost Phys. 16, 015 (2024) -
Non-equilibrium dynamics of dipolar polarons
by Artem G. Volosniev, Giacomo Bighin, Luis Santos, Luis A. Peña Ardila,
SciPost Phys. 15, 232 (2023) -
Quantum wavefront shaping with a 48-element programmable phase plate for electrons
by Chu-Ping Yu, Francisco Vega Ibañez, Armand Béché, Johan Verbeeck,
SciPost Phys. 15, 223 (2023) -
Anyons in a tight wave-guide and the Tonks-Girardeau gas
by Nicolas Rougerie, Qiyun Yang,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 079 (2023) -
Dynamics of parafermionic states in transport measurements
by Ida Egholm Nielsen, Jens Schulenborg, Reinhold Egger, Michele Burrello,
SciPost Phys. 15, 189 (2023) -
Dark matter from the centre of SU(N)
by Michele Frigerio, Nicolas Grimbaum-Yamamoto, Thomas Hambye,
SciPost Phys. 15, 177 (2023) -
Restoration of the non-Hermitian bulk-boundary correspondence via topological amplification
by Matteo Brunelli, Clara C. Wanjura, Andreas Nunnenkamp,
SciPost Phys. 15, 173 (2023) -
A decoherence explanation of the gallium neutrino anomaly
by Yasaman Farzan, Thomas Schwetz,
SciPost Phys. 15, 172 (2023) -
Phase separation in binary Bose mixtures at finite temperature
by Gabriele Spada, Luca Parisi, Gerard Pascual, Nicholas G. Parker, Thomas P. Billam, Sebastiano Pilati, Jordi Boronat, Stefano Giorgini,
SciPost Phys. 15, 171 (2023) -
Non-invertible symmetry webs
by Lakshya Bhardwaj, Lea E. Bottini, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki, Apoorv Tiwari,
SciPost Phys. 15, 160 (2023) -
Adiabatic deformations of quantum Hall droplets
by Blagoje Oblak, Benoit Estienne,
SciPost Phys. 15, 159 (2023) -
Spectral and steady-state properties of fermionic random quadratic Liouvillians
by João Costa, Pedro Ribeiro, Andrea De Luca, Tomaž Prosen, Lucas Sá,
SciPost Phys. 15, 145 (2023) -
Tensor network study of the Shastry-Sutherland model with weak interlayer coupling
by Patrick C. G. Vlaar, Philippe Corboz,
SciPost Phys. 15, 126 (2023) -
Unifying constructions of non-invertible symmetries
by Lakshya Bhardwaj, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki, Apoorv Tiwari,
SciPost Phys. 15, 122 (2023) -
Results on high energy galactic cosmic rays from the DAMPE space mission
by Leandro Silveri on behalf of the DAMPE Collaboration,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 012 (2023) -
Point sources of ultra-high-energy neutrinos: Minimalist predictions for near-future discovery
by Damiano F. G. Fiorillo, Mauricio Bustamante, Victor B. Valera,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 009 (2023) -
First-order photon condensation in magnetic cavities: A two-leg ladder model
by Zeno Bacciconi, Gian M. Andolina, Titas Chanda, Giuliano Chiriacò, Marco Schirò, Marcello Dalmonte,
SciPost Phys. 15, 113 (2023) -
Fluctuation based interpretable analysis scheme for quantum many-body snapshots
by Henning Schlömer, Annabelle Bohrdt,
SciPost Phys. 15, 099 (2023) -
Search for scalar induced gravitational waves in the international pulsar timing array data release 2 and NANOgrav 12.5 years datasets
by Virgile Dandoy, Valerie Domcke, Fabrizio Rompineve,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 060 (2023) -
Nonequilibrium phases of ultracold bosons with cavity-induced dynamic gauge fields
by Arkadiusz Kosior, Helmut Ritsch, Farokh Mivehvar,
SciPost Phys. 15, 046 (2023) -
Universality in Anderson localization on random graphs with varying connectivity
by Piotr Sierant, Maciej Lewenstein, Antonello Scardicchio,
SciPost Phys. 15, 045 (2023) -
High-precision muon decay predictions for ALP searches
by Pulak Banerjee, Antonio Coutinho, Tim Engel, Andrea Gurgone, Adrian Signer, Yannick Ulrich,
SciPost Phys. 15, 021 (2023) -
Bloch-Lorentz magnetoresistance oscillations in delafossites
by Kostas Vilkelis, Lin Wang, Anton Akhmerov,
SciPost Phys. 15, 019 (2023) -
Accelerating equilibrium spin-glass simulations using quantum annealers via generative deep learning
by Giuseppe Scriva, Emanuele Costa, Benjamin McNaughton, Sebastiano Pilati,
SciPost Phys. 15, 018 (2023) -
Characterizing (non-)Markovianity through Fisher information
by Paolo Abiuso, Matteo Scandi, Dario De Santis, Jacopo Surace,
SciPost Phys. 15, 014 (2023) -
Self-similar solutions for fuzzy dark matter
by Raquel Galazo-Garcia, Philippe Brax, Patrick Valageas,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 060 (2023) -
Dark sector studies with the PADME experiment
by Anna Paola Caricato, Maurizio Martino, Isabella Oceano, Federica Oliva, Stefania Spagnolo, Gabriele Chiodini, Fabio Bossi, Riccardo De Sangro, Claudio Di Giulio, Danilo Domenici, Giuseppe Finocchiaro, Luca Gennaro Foggetta, Marco Garattini, Andrea Ghigo, Federica Giacchino, Paola Gianotti, Tommaso Spadaro, Eleuterio Spiriti, Clara Taruggi, Elisabetta Vilucchi, Venelin Kozhuharov, Simeon Ivanov, Sevtoslav Ivanov, Radoslav Simeonov, Georgi Georgiev, Fabio Ferrarotto, Emanuele Leonardi, Paolo Valente, Elizabeth Long, Giovanni Organtini, Gabriele Piperno, Mauro Raggi, Salvatore Fiore, Paolo Branchini, Diego Tagnani, Vittoria Capirossi, Federico Pinna, Andre Frankenthal,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 050 (2023) -
Can we really detect relic neutrinos?
by Yevheniia Cheipesh, Ivan Ridkokasha, Vadim Cheianov, Alexey Boyarsky,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 042 (2023) -
Search for low mass WIMP dark matter with DarkSide-50
by Masato Kimura on behalf of DarkSide-50 Collaboration,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 022 (2023) -
The CYGNO/INITIUM experiment
by F. D. Amaro, E. Baracchini, L. Benussi , S. Bianco, C. Capoccia, M. Caponero, D. Santos Cardoso, G. Cavoto, A. Cortez, I. A. Costa, E. Dané, G. Dho, F. Di Giambattista, E. Di Marco, G. D’Imperio, F. Iacoangeli, H. P. L. Jùnior, G. S. P. Lopes, G. Maccarrone, R. D. P. Mano, R. R. M. Gregorio, D. J. G. Marques, G. Mazzitelli, A. G. McLean, A. Messina, C. M. B. Monteiro, R. A. Nobrega, I. Fonseca Pains, E. Paoletti, L. Passamonti, S. Pelosi, F. Petrucci, S. Piacentini, D. Piccolo, D. Pierluigi, D. Pinci, A. Prajapati, F. Renga, R. J. C. Roque, F. Rosatelli, A. Russo, J. M. F. dos Santos, G. Saviano, N. J. C. Spooner, R. Tesauro, S. Tommasini, S. Torelli,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 019 (2023) -
DELight: A Direct search Experiment for Light dark matter with superfluid helium
by Belina von Krosigk, Klaus Eitel, Christian Enss, Torben Ferber, Loredana Gastaldo, Felix Kahlhoefer, Sebastian Kempf, Markus Klute, Sebastian Lindemann, Marc Schumann, Francesco Toschi, Kathrin Valerius,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 016 (2023) -
The DAMIC-M experiment: Status and first results
by Isaac J. Arnquist, Nicolas Avalos, Philippe Bailly, David Baxter, Xavier Bertou, Mircea Bogdan, Christian Bourgeois, J. Brandt, Arnaud Cadiou, Nuria Castelló-Mor, Alvaro E. Chavarria, Marcel Conde, Nicholas J. Corso, J. C. Gutiérrez, Julian Cuevas-Zepeda, Ali Dastgheibi-Fard, Claudia De Dominicis, Olivier Deligny, R. Desani, Marc Dhellot, Jean-Jacques Dormard, Jordi Duarte-Campderros, E. Estrada, D. Florin, N. Gadola, R. Gaïor, J. González Sánchez, Todd W. Hossbach, Michael Huehn, Latifa Khalil, Ben Kilminster, Agustin Lantero-Barreda, Ian Lawson, Hervé Lebbolo, Steven Lee, Pascal Leray, Antoine Letessier-Selvon, Pia Loaiza, Amparo Lopez-Virto, David Martin, Ariel Matalon, Kellie McGuire, T. Milleto, Pitam Mitra, David M. Martin, S. Munagavalasa, Danielle Norcini, Cory T. Overman, Giorgos Papadopoulos, S. Paul, David Peterson, Alexander Piers, Olivier Pochon, Paolo Privitera, Karthik Ramanathan, Denis Reynet, Peter Robmann, Ryan Roehnelt, Mariangela Settimo, Radomir Smida, Ben Stillwell, Ryan Thomas, Michelangelo Traina, Philippe Vallerand, Tim Van Wechel, Ivan Vila, Rocio V. Cortabitarte, Achim Vollhardt, Guillaume Warot, D. Wolf, Rachana Yajur, J-P. Zopounidis,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 014 (2023) -
Sub-GeV dark matter searches with EDELWEISS: New results and prospects
by Hugues Lattaud on behalf of the EDELWEISS collaboration,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 012 (2023) -
Axions in the early universe
by Francesco D'Eramo,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 005 (2023) -
Directional dark matter searches
by Elisabetta Baracchini,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 002 (2023) -
Quantum local random networks and the statistical robustness of quantum scars
by Federica Maria Surace, Marcello Dalmonte, Alessandro Silva,
SciPost Phys. 14, 174 (2023) -
Chiral higher spin gravity and convex geometry
by Alexey Sharapov, Evgeny Skvortsov, Richard van Dongen,
SciPost Phys. 14, 162 (2023) -
Strong Hilbert space fragmentation via emergent quantum drums in two dimensions
by Anwesha Chattopadhyay, Bhaskar Mukherjee, Krishnendu Sengupta, Arnab Sen,
SciPost Phys. 14, 146 (2023) -
EPR and SQUID interrogations of Cr(III) trimer complexes in the MIL-101(Cr) and bimetallic MIL-100(Al/Cr) MOFs
by Kavipriya Thangavel, Andrea Folli, Michael Ziese, Steffen Hausdorf, Stefan Kaskel, Damien M. Murphy, Andreas Pöppl,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 11, 016 (2023) -
Static and dynamical signatures of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in the Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice
by Francesco Ferrari, Sen Niu, Juraj Hasik, Yasir Iqbal, Didier Poilblanc, Federico Becca,
SciPost Phys. 14, 139 (2023) -
Local integrals of motion in quasiperiodic many-body localized systems
by Steven J. Thomson, Marco Schirò,
SciPost Phys. 14, 125 (2023) -
A quantum theory of the nearly frozen charge glass
by Simone Fratini, Katherine Driscoll, Sergio Ciuchi, Arnaud Ralko,
SciPost Phys. 14, 124 (2023) -
Quantum annealing for neural network optimization problems: A new approach via tensor network simulations
by Guglielmo Lami, Pietro Torta, Giuseppe E. Santoro, Mario Collura,
SciPost Phys. 14, 117 (2023) -
Marginal quenches and drives in Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids
by Shouvik Datta, Bastien Lapierre, Per Moosavi, Apoorv Tiwari,
SciPost Phys. 14, 108 (2023) -
Magnetic flux response of non-Hermitian topological phases
by Marco Michael Denner, Frank Schindler,
SciPost Phys. 14, 107 (2023) -
Pairing of holes by confining strings in antiferromagnets
by Fabian Grusdt, Eugene Demler, Annabelle Bohrdt,
SciPost Phys. 14, 090 (2023) -
Loop amplitudes from precision networks
by Simon Badger, Anja Butter, Michel Luchmann, Sebastian Pitz, Tilman Plehn,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 034 (2023) -
A modular implementation of an effective interaction approach for harmonically trapped fermions in 1D
by Lukas Rammelmüller, David Huber, Artem G. Volosniev,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 12 (2023) -
Codebase release 1.0 for FermiFCI
by Lukas Rammelmüller, David Huber, Artem G. Volosniev,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 12-r1.0 (2023) -
Optimal compression of quantum many-body time evolution operators into brickwall circuits
by Maurits S. J. Tepaske, Dominik Hahn, David J. Luitz,
SciPost Phys. 14, 073 (2023) -
Stochastic representation of the quantum quartic oscillator
by Gennaro Tucci, Stefano De Nicola, Sascha Wald, Andrea Gambassi,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 029 (2023) -
Device-independent and semi-device-independent entanglement certification in broadcast Bell scenarios
by Emanuel-Cristian Boghiu, Flavien Hirsch, Pei-Sheng Lin, Marco Túlio Quintino, Joseph Bowles,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 028 (2023) -
Structural classification of boron nitride twisted bilayers and ab initio investigation of their stacking-dependent electronic structure
by Sylvain Latil, Hakim Amara, Lorenzo Sponza,
SciPost Phys. 14, 053 (2023) -
Quantum-enhanced multiparameter estimation and compressed sensing of a field
by Youcef Baamara, Manuel Gessner, Alice Sinatra,
SciPost Phys. 14, 050 (2023) -
Mobility control as state-making in civil war: Forcing exit, selective return and strategic laissez-faire
by Christiane Fröhlich, Lea Müller-Funk,
Mig. Pol. 2, 001 (2023) -
Excitation transfer in disordered spin chains with long-range exchange interactions
by Nikolaos E. Palaiodimopoulos, Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, Gershon Kurizki, David Petrosyan,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 017 (2023) -
Probing a leptophobic top-colour model with cross section measurements and precise signal and background predictions: A case study
by Mohammad Mahdi Altakach, Jonathan Mark Butterworth, Tomáš Ježo, Michael Klasen, Ingo Schienbein,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 014 (2023) -
Interplay of Kelvin-Helmholtz and superradiant instabilities of an array of quantized vortices in a two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate
by Luca Giacomelli, Iacopo Carusotto,
SciPost Phys. 14, 025 (2023) -
A standard convention for particle-level Monte Carlo event-variation weights
by Enrico Bothmann, Andy Buckley, Christian Gütschow, Stefan Prestel, Marek Schönherr, Peter Skands, Jeppe R. Andersen, Saptaparna Bhattacharya, Jonathan Butterworth, Gurpreet Singh Chahal, Louie Corpe, Leif Gellersen, Matthew Gignac, Stefan Höche, Deepak Kar, Frank Krauss, Jan Kretzschmar, Leif Lönnblad, Josh McFayden, Andreas Papaefstathiou, Simon Plätzer, Steffen Schumann, Michael H. Seymour, Frank Siegert, Andrzej Siódmok,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 007 (2023) -
Non-invertible higher-categorical symmetries
by Lakshya Bhardwaj, Lea E. Bottini, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki, Apoorv Tiwari,
SciPost Phys. 14, 007 (2023) -
On the generality of symmetry breaking and dissipative freezing in quantum trajectories
by Joseph Tindall, Dieter Jaksch, Carlos Sánchez Muñoz,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 004 (2023) -
Magnetic impurity in a one-dimensional few-fermion system
by Lukas Rammelmüller, David Huber, Matija Čufar, Joachim Brand, Hans-Werner Hammer, Artem G. Volosniev,
SciPost Phys. 14, 006 (2023) -
Unsupervised and supervised learning of interacting topological phases from single-particle correlation functions
by Simone Tibaldi, Giuseppe Magnifico, Davide Vodola, Elisa Ercolessi,
SciPost Phys. 14, 005 (2023) -
Higgs decays to two leptons and a photon beyond leading order in the SMEFT
by Tyler Corbett, Thor Rasmussen,
SciPost Phys. 13, 112 (2022) -
Parity effects and universal terms of $\mathcal{O}(1)$ in the entanglement near a boundary
by Henning Schlömer, Chunyu Tan, Stephan Haas, Hubert Saleur,
SciPost Phys. 13, 110 (2022) -
A comprehensive guide to the physics and usage of PYTHIA 8.3
by Christian Bierlich, Smita Chakraborty, Nishita Desai, Leif Gellersen, Ilkka Helenius, Philip Ilten, Leif Lönnblad, Stephen Mrenna, Stefan Prestel, Christian T. Preuss, Torbjörn Sjöstrand, Peter Skands, Marius Utheim, Rob Verheyen,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 8 (2022) -
Codebase release 8.3 for PYTHIA
by Christian Bierlich, Smita Chakraborty, Nishita Desai, Leif Gellersen, Ilkka Helenius, Philip Ilten, Leif Lönnblad, Stephen Mrenna, Stefan Prestel, Christian T. Preuss, Torbjörn Sjöstrand, Peter Skands, Marius Utheim, Rob Verheyen,
SciPost Phys. Codebases 8-r8.3 (2022) -
2-Group symmetries and M-theory
by Michele Del Zotto, Iñaki García Etxebarria, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki,
SciPost Phys. 13, 105 (2022) -
Thermal and dissipative effects on the heating transition in a driven critical system
by Kenny Choo, Bastien Lapierre, Clemens Kuhlenkamp, Apoorv Tiwari, Titus Neupert, Ramasubramanian Chitra,
SciPost Phys. 13, 104 (2022) -
Reconstructing partonic kinematics at colliders with machine learning
by David F. Rentería Estrada, Roger J. Hernández-Pinto, German F. R. Sborlini, Pia Zurita,
SciPost Phys. Core 5, 049 (2022) -
Relative defects in relative theories: Trapped higher-form symmetries and irregular punctures in class S
by Lakshya Bhardwaj, Simone Giacomelli, Max Hübner, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki,
SciPost Phys. 13, 101 (2022) -
The hitchhiker's guide to 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal field theories
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SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 64 (2022) -
Hilbert space fragmentation in a 2D quantum spin system with subsystem symmetries
by Alexey Khudorozhkov, Apoorv Tiwari, Claudio Chamon, Titus Neupert,
SciPost Phys. 13, 098 (2022) -
Learning Coulomb Diamonds in Large Quantum Dot Arrays
by Oswin Krause, Anasua Chatterjee, Ferdinand Kuemmeth, Evert van Nieuwenburg,
SciPost Phys. 13, 084 (2022) -
Thermodynamics of quantum-jump trajectories of open quantum systems subject to stochastic resetting
by Gabriele Perfetto, Federico Carollo, Igor Lesanovsky,
SciPost Phys. 13, 079 (2022) -
Multi-band D-TRILEX approach to materials with strong electronic correlations
by Matteo Vandelli, Josef Kaufmann, Mohammed El-Nabulsi, Viktor Harkov, Alexander I. Lichtenstein, Evgeny A. Stepanov,
SciPost Phys. 13, 036 (2022) -
Hole-induced anomaly in the thermodynamic behavior of a one-dimensional Bose gas
by Giulia De Rosi, Riccardo Rota, Grigori E. Astrakharchik, Jordi Boronat,
SciPost Phys. 13, 035 (2022) -
Coloring mixed QCD/QED evolution
by Leif Gellersen, Stefan Prestel, Michael Spannowsky,
SciPost Phys. 13, 034 (2022) -
YFS Resummation for Future Lepton-Lepton Colliders in SHERPA
by Frank Krauss, Alan Price, Marek Schönherr,
SciPost Phys. 13, 026 (2022) -
The Global Form of Flavor Symmetries and 2-Group Symmetries in 5d SCFTs
by Fabio Apruzzi, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki, Lakshya Bhardwaj, Jihwan Oh,
SciPost Phys. 13, 024 (2022) -
Jet modifications from colour rope formation in dense systems of non-parallel strings
by Christian Bierlich, Smita Chakraborty, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad,
SciPost Phys. 13, 023 (2022) -
Cluster Hadronisation in Sherpa
by Gurpreet Singh Chahal, Frank Krauss,
SciPost Phys. 13, 019 (2022) -
Recent results on hyperon pair production and nucleon time-like form factors at BESIII
by Alessio Mangoni,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 10, 021 (2022) -
Cracking hadron and nuclear collisions open with ropes and string shoving in PYTHIA8
by Smita Chakraborty,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 10, 017 (2022) -
The importance of multiple scatterings in medium-induced gluon radiation
by Carlota Andres, Fabio Dominguez, Marcos Gonzalez Martinez,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 10, 016 (2022) -
EXCESS workshop: Descriptions of rising low-energy spectra
by P. Adari, A. Aguilar-Arevalo, D. Amidei, G. Angloher, E. Armengaud, C. Augier, L. Balogh, S. Banik, D. Baxter, C. Beaufort, G. Beaulieu, V. Belov, Y. Ben Gal, G. Benato, A. Benoît, A. Bento, L. Bergé, A. Bertolini, R. Bhattacharyya, J. Billard, I.M. Bloch, A. Botti, R. Breier, G. Bres, J-.L. Bret, A. Broniatowski, A. Brossard, C. Bucci, R. Bunker, M. Cababie, M. Calvo, P. Camus, G. Cancelo, L. Canonica, F. Cappella, L. Cardani, J.-F. Caron, N. Casali, G.del Castello, A. Cazes, R. Cerulli, B.A. Cervantes Vergara, D. Chaize, M. Chapellier, L. Chaplinsky, F. Charlieux, M. Chaudhuri, A.E. Chavarria, G. Chemin, R. Chen, H. Chen, F. Chierchie, I. Colantoni, J. Colas, J. Cooley, J.-M. Coquillat, E.C. Corcoran, S. Crawford, M. Crisler, A. Cruciani, P. Cushman, A. D'Addabbo, J.C. D'Olivo, A. Dastgheibi-Fard, M. De Jésus, Y. Deng, J.B. Dent, E.L. Depaoli, K. Dering, S. Dharani, S. Di Lorenzo, A. Drlica-Wagner, L. Dumoulin, D. Durnford, B. Dutta, L. Einfalt, A. Erb, A. Erhart, R. Essig, J. Estrada, E. Etzion, O. Exshaw, F. Favela-Perez, F. v. Feilitzsch, G. Fernandez Moroni, N. Ferreiro Iachellini, S. Ferriol, S. Fichtinger, E. Figueroa-Feliciano, J.-B. Filippini, D. Filosofov, J. A. Formaggio, M. Friedl, S. Fuard, D. Fuchs, A. Fuss, R. Gaïor, A. Garai, C. Garrah, J. Gascon , G. Gerbier, M. Ghaith, V.M. Ghete, D. Gift, I. Giomataris, G. Giroux, A. Giuliani, P. Gorel, P. Gorla, C. Goupy, J. Goupy, C. Goy, M. Gros, P. Gros, Y. Guardincerri, C. Guerin, V. Guidi, O. Guillaudin, S. Gupta, E. Guy, P. Harrington, D. Hauff, S. T. Heine, S. A. Hertel, S.E. Holland, Z. Hong, E.W. Hoppe, T.W. Hossbach, J.-C. Ianigro, V. Iyer, A. Jastram, M. Ješkovský, Y. Jin, J. Jochum, J. P. Johnston, A. Juillard, D. Karaivanov, V. Kashyap, I. Katsioulas, S. Kazarcev, M. Kaznacheeva, F. Kelly, B. Kilminster, A. Kinast, L. Klinkenberg, H. Kluck, P. Knights, Y. Korn, H. Kraus, B. von Krosigk, A. Kubik, N.A. Kurinsky, J. Lamblin, A. Langenkämper, S. Langrock, T. Lasserre, H. Lattaud, P. Lautridou, I. Lawson, S.J. Lee, M. Lee, A. Letessier-Selvon, D. Lhuillier, M. Li, Y.-T. Lin, A. Lubashevskiy, R. Mahapatra, S. Maludze, M. Mancuso, I. Manthos, L. Marini, S. Marnieros, R.D. Martin, A. Matalon, J. Matthews, B. Mauri, D. W. Mayer, A. Mazzolari, E. Mazzucato, H. Meyer zu Theenhausen, E. Michielin, J. Minet, N. Mirabolfathi, K. v. Mirbach, D. Misiak, P. Mitra, J-.L. Mocellin, B. Mohanty, V. Mokina, J.-P. Mols, A. Monfardini, F. Mounier, S. Munagavalasa, J.-F. Muraz, X.-F. Navick, T. Neep, H. Neog, H. Neyrial, K. Nikolopoulos, A. Nilima, C. Nones, V. Novati, P. O'Brien, L. Oberauer, E. Olivieri, M. Olmi, A. Onillon, C. Oriol, A. Orly, J.L. Orrell, T. Ortmann, C.T. Overman, C. Pagliarone, V. Palušová, P. Pari, P. K. Patel, L. Pattavina, F. Petricca, A. Piers, H. D. Pinckney, M.-C. Piro, M. Platt, D. Poda, D. Ponomarev, W. Potzel, P. Povinec, F. Pröbst, P. Privitera, F. Pucci, K. Ramanathan, J.-S. Real, T. Redon, F. Reindl, R. Ren, A. Robert, J.Da Rocha, D. Rodrigues, R. Rogly, J. Rothe, N. Rowe, S. Rozov, I. Rozova, T. Saab, N. Saffold, T. Salagnac, J. Sander, V. Sanglard, D. Santos, Y. Sarkis, V. Savu, G. Savvidis, I. Savvidis, S. Schönert, K. Schäffner, N. Schermer, J. Schieck, B. Schmidt, D. Schmiedmayer, C. Schwertner, L. Scola, M. Settimo, Ye. Shevchik, V. Sibille, I. Sidelnik, A. Singal, R. Smida, M. Sofo Haro, T. Soldner, J. Stachurska, M. Stahlberg, L. Stefanazzi, L. Stodolsky, C. Strandhagen, R. Strauss, A. Stutz, R. Thomas, A. Thompson, J. Tiffenberg, C. Tomei, M. Traina, S. Uemura, I. Usherov, L. Vagneron, W. Van De Pontseele, F.A. Vazquez de Sola Fernandez, M. Vidal, M. Vignati, A.L. Virto, M. Vivier, T. Volansky, V. Wagner, F. Wagner, J. Walker, R. Ward, S.L. Watkins, A. Wex, M. Willers, M.J. Wilson, L. Winslow, E. Yakushev, T.-T. Yu, M. Zampaolo, A. Zaytsev, V. Zema, D. Zinatulina, A. Zolotarova,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 9, 001 (2022) -
Picking the low-hanging fruit: testing new physics at scale with active learning
by Juan Rocamonde, Louie Corpe, Gustavs Zilgalvis, Maria Avramidou, Jon Butterworth,
SciPost Phys. 13, 002 (2022) -
Accessing quark GPDs in diffractive events at an electron-ion collider
by W. Cosyn, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 159 (2022) -
Exclusive electro-weak production of a charmed meson at high energy
by B. Pire, L. Szymanowski, J. Wagner,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 150 (2022) -
Phenomenological extraction of a universal TMD fragmentation function from single hadron production in $e^+ e^-$ annihilations
by M. Boglione, J.O. Gonzalez-Hernandez, A. Simonelli,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 139 (2022) -
Higher-order corrections to exclusive heavy vector meson production
by Tuomas Lappi, Heikki Mäntysaari, Jani Penttala,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 133 (2022) -
$\Lambda$ Polarizing Fragmentation Function from Belle $e^+ e^-$ data
by Umberto D'Alesio, Francesco Murgia, Marco Zaccheddu,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 131 (2022) -
High-energy logarithmic corrections to the QCD component of same-sign W-pair production
by Jeppe R. Andersen, Bertrand Ducloué, Conor Elrick, Andreas Maier, Graeme Nail, Jennifer M. Smillie,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 129 (2022) -
Determination of the rapidity evolution kernel from Drell-Yan data at low transverse momenta
by F. Hautmann, I. Scimemi, A. Vladimirov,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 123 (2022) -
Shadow generalized parton distributions: a practical approach to the deconvolution problem of DVCS
by V. Bertone, H. Dutrieux, C. Mezrag, H. Moutarde, P. Sznajder,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 107 (2022) -
Understanding the proton mass in QCD
by Andreas Metz, Barbara Pasquini, Simone Rodini,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 105 (2022) -
Azimuthal correlations in diffractive scattering at the Electron-Ion Collider
by Adrian Dumitru, Heikki Mäntysaari, Risto Paatelainen, Kaushik Roy, Farid Salazar, Björn Schenke,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 102 (2022) -
NLO collinear factorization of large mass diphoton photoproduction amplitude
by Oskar Grocholski, Bernard Pire, Paweł Sznajder, Lech Szymanowski, Jakub Wagner,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 078 (2022) -
What do DVCS data tell us about TCS observables?
by O. Grocholski, H. Moutarde, B. Pire, P. Sznajder, J. Wagner,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 070 (2022) -
Opportunities for inclusive diffraction at EIC
by Wojciech Slominski, Nestor Armesto, Paul R. Newman, Anna Stasto,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 069 (2022) -
Impact parameter dependence of color charge correlations in the proton
by Adrian Dumitru, Heikki Mäntysaari, Risto Paatelainen,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 058 (2022) -
Multi-particle production in proton-nucleus collisions in the Color Glass Condensate
by Pedro Augusto Agostini Infante, Tolga Altinoluk, Nestor Armesto,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 054 (2022) -
Correlations between azimuthal asymmetries and multiplicity and mean transverse momentum in small collisions systems in the CGC
by Tolga Altinoluk, Néstor Armesto, Alex Kovner, Michael Lublinsky, Vladimir V. Skokov,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 051 (2022) -
The LHCspin project
by M. Santimaria, V. Carassiti, G. Ciullo, P. Di Nezza, P. Lenisa, S. Mariani, L. L. Pappalardo, E. Steffens,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 050 (2022) -
Reweighting the quark Sivers function with STAR jet data
by Carlo Flore, Maria Elena Boglione, Umberto D'Alesio, Josè Osvaldo Gonzalez-Hernandez, Francesco Murgia, Alexei Prokudin,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 034 (2022) -
Forward trijet production and saturation
by Andreas van Hameren,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 022 (2022) -
Sivers asymmetry in inelastic $J/ψ$ leptoproduction at the EIC
by Sangem Rajesh, Umberto D'Alesio, Asmita Mukherjee, Francesco Murgia, Cristian Pisano,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 017 (2022) -
NLO inclusive $J/ψ$ photoproduction at large $P_T$ at HERA and the EIC
by Carlo Flore, Jean-Philippe Lansberg, Hua-Sheng Shao, Yelyzaveta Yedelkina,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 011 (2022) -
Ultraperipheral collisions and low-x physics
by Tuomas Lappi,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 003 (2022) -
Matchmakereft: automated tree-level and one-loop matching
by Adrián Carmona, Achilleas Lazopoulos, Pablo Olgoso, José Santiago,
SciPost Phys. 12, 198 (2022) -
W+c-jet production at the LHC with NNLO QCD accuracy
by Michal Czakon, Alexander Mitov, Mathieu Pellen, Rene Poncelet,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 035 (2022) -
A differential-geometry approach to operator mixing in massless QCD-like theories and Poincaré-Dulac theorem
by Matteo Becchetti,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 032 (2022) -
New developments in KKMChh: Quark-level exponentiated radiative corrections and semi-analytical results
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SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 016 (2022) -
The Soft Anomalous Dimension at four loops in the Regge Limit
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SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 013 (2022) -
A pitfall in applying non-anticommuting $γ_5$ in $q\overline{q} \rightarrow ZH$ amplitudes
by Taushif Ahmed,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 008 (2022) -
Two-parton scattering in the high-energy limit: climbing two- and three-Reggeon ladders
by G. Falcioni, E. Gardi, N. Maher, C. Milloy, L. Vernazza,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 007 (2022) -
Master integrals contributing to two-loop leading colour QCD helicity amplitudes for top-quark pair production in the gluon fusion channel
by Ekta Chaubey,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 001 (2022) -
Relativistic reduced density matrix functional theory
by Mauricio Rodríguez-Mayorga, Klaas J.H. Giesbertz, Lucas Visscher,
SciPost Chem. 1, 004 (2022) -
Global form of flavor symmetry groups in 4d N=2 theories of class S
by Lakshya Bhardwaj,
SciPost Phys. 12, 183 (2022) -
Nucleon axial form factors from lattice QCD
by Constantia Alexandrou,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 6, 006 (2022) -
Probabilistically violating the first law of thermodynamics in a quantum heat engine
by Timo Kerremans, Peter Samuelsson, Patrick P. Potts,
SciPost Phys. 12, 168 (2022) -
Accelerating Monte Carlo event generation -- rejection sampling using neural network event-weight estimates
by Katharina Danziger, Timo Janßen, Steffen Schumann, Frank Siegert,
SciPost Phys. 12, 164 (2022) -
Fusion rules in a Majorana single-charge transistor
by Rubén Seoane Souto, Martin Leijnse,
SciPost Phys. 12, 161 (2022) -
Diffraction of strongly interacting molecular Bose-Einstein condensate from standing wave light pulses
by Qi Liang, Chen Li, Sebastian Erne, Pradyumna Paranjape, RuGway Wu, Jörg Schmiedmayer,
SciPost Phys. 12, 154 (2022) -
2-Group symmetries in class S
by Lakshya Bhardwaj,
SciPost Phys. 12, 152 (2022) -
Holographic S-fold theories at one loop
by Connor Behan,
SciPost Phys. 12, 149 (2022) -
Fractons in curved space
by Akash Jain, Kristan Jensen,
SciPost Phys. 12, 142 (2022) -
Measurement-induced criticality in extended and long-range unitary circuits
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SciPost Phys. Core 5, 023 (2022) -
Proposal for realizing anomalous Floquet insulators via Chern band annihilation
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SciPost Phys. 12, 124 (2022) -
Mechanisms for the emergence of Gaussian correlations
by Marek Gluza, Thomas Schweigler, Mohammadamin Tajik, João Sabino, Federica Cataldini, Frederik S. Møller, Si-Cong Ji, Bernhard Rauer, Jörg Schmiedmayer, Jens Eisert, Spyros Sotiriadis,
SciPost Phys. 12, 113 (2022) -
Smearing of causality by compositeness divides dispersive approaches into exact ones and precision-limited ones
by Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada, Raúl Roldán-González,
SciPost Phys. Core 5, 016 (2022) -
Detection of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition via Generative Adversarial Networks
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SciPost Phys. 12, 107 (2022) -
Symmetry-resolved dynamical purification in synthetic quantum matter
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SciPost Phys. 12, 106 (2022) -
Interleaved resonance decays and electroweak radiation in the Vincia parton shower
by Helen Brooks, Peter Skands, Rob Verheyen,
SciPost Phys. 12, 101 (2022) -
2-Group symmetries and their classification in 6d
by Fabio Apruzzi, Lakshya Bhardwaj, Dewi S. W. Gould, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki,
SciPost Phys. 12, 098 (2022) -
The edge of chaos: quantum field theory and deep neural networks
by Kevin T. Grosvenor, Ro Jefferson,
SciPost Phys. 12, 081 (2022) -
Devil's staircase of topological Peierls insulators and Peierls supersolids
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SciPost Phys. 12, 076 (2022) -
Assessing the role of interatomic position matrix elements in tight-binding calculations of optical properties
by Julen Ibañez-Azpiroz, Fernando de Juan, Ivo Souza,
SciPost Phys. 12, 070 (2022) -
Polariton condensation into vortex states in the synthetic magnetic field of a strained honeycomb lattice
by Cristóbal Lledó, Iacopo Carusotto, Marzena H. Szymańska,
SciPost Phys. 12, 068 (2022) -
Higher-order topological superconductors from Weyl semimetals
by Ammar Jahin , Apoorv Tiwari , Yuxuan Wang,
SciPost Phys. 12, 053 (2022) -
Liberating confinement from Lagrangians: 1-form symmetries and lines in 4d N=1 from 6d N=(2,0)
by Lakshya Bhardwaj, Max Hübner, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki,
SciPost Phys. 12, 040 (2022) -
Manifold curvature and Ehrenfest forces with a moving basis
by Jessica F. K. Halliday, Emilio Artacho,
SciPost Phys. 12, 020 (2022) -
Bose polaron in a quantum fluid of light
by Amit Vashisht, Maxime Richard, Anna Minguzzi,
SciPost Phys. 12, 008 (2022) -
Generalized eigenproblem without fermion doubling for Dirac fermions on a lattice
by M. J. Pacholski, G. Lemut, J. Tworzydło, C. W. J. Beenakker,
SciPost Phys. 11, 105 (2021) -
On computing non-equilibrium dynamics following a quench
by Neil J. Robinson, Albertus J. J. M. de Klerk, Jean-Sébastien Caux,
SciPost Phys. 11, 104 (2021) -
The classical two-dimensional Heisenberg model revisited: An $SU(2)$-symmetric tensor network study
by Philipp Schmoll, Augustine Kshetrimayum, Jens Eisert, Román Orús, Matteo Rizzi,
SciPost Phys. 11, 098 (2021) -
The one-loop tadpole in the geoSMEFT
by Tyler Corbett,
SciPost Phys. 11, 097 (2021) -
1-form symmetries of 4d N=2 class S theories
by Lakshya Bhardwaj, Max Hübner, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki,
SciPost Phys. 11, 096 (2021) -
Emergent supersymmetry on the edges
by Jin-Beom Bae, Sungjay Lee,
SciPost Phys. 11, 091 (2021) -
Finite-temperature critical behavior of long-range quantum Ising models
by Eduardo Gonzalez Lazo, Markus Heyl, Marcello Dalmonte, Adriano Angelone,
SciPost Phys. 11, 076 (2021) -
A supervised learning algorithm for interacting topological insulators based on local curvature
by Paolo Molignini, Antonio Zegarra, Evert van Nieuwenburg, R. Chitra, Wei Chen,
SciPost Phys. 11, 073 (2021) -
The Cosmological Bootstrap: Spinning correlators from symmetries and factorization
by Daniel Baumann, Carlos Duaso Pueyo, Austin Joyce, Hayden Lee, Guilherme L. Pimentel,
SciPost Phys. 11, 071 (2021) -
Importance sampling scheme for the stochastic simulation of quantum spin dynamics
by Stefano De Nicola,
SciPost Phys. 11, 048 (2021) -
Chiral anomaly trapped in Weyl metals: Nonequilibrium valley polarization at zero magnetic field
by Pablo M. Perez-Piskunow, Nicandro Bovenzi, Anton R. Akhmerov, Maxim Breitkreiz,
SciPost Phys. 11, 046 (2021) -
Unsupervised mapping of phase diagrams of 2D systems from infinite projected entangled-pair states via deep anomaly detection
by Korbinian Kottmann, Philippe Corboz, Maciej Lewenstein, Antonio Acín,
SciPost Phys. 11, 025 (2021) -
Systematizing and addressing theory uncertainties of unitarization with the Inverse Amplitude Method
by Alexandre Salas-Bernárdez, Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada, Juan Escudero-Pedrosa, Jose Antonio Oller,
SciPost Phys. 11, 020 (2021) -
Ergodic edge modes in the 4D quantum Hall effect
by Benoit Estienne, Blagoje Oblak, Jean-Marie Stéphan,
SciPost Phys. 11, 016 (2021) -
Symmetry meets AI
by Gabriela Barenboim, Johannes Hirn, Veronica Sanz,
SciPost Phys. 11, 014 (2021) -
Impurities in a one-dimensional Bose gas: the flow equation approach
by Fabian Brauneis, Hans-Werner Hammer, Mikhail Lemeshko, Artem G. Volosniev,
SciPost Phys. 11, 008 (2021) -
A NEAT quantum error decoder
by Hugo Théveniaut, Evert van Nieuwenburg,
SciPost Phys. 11, 005 (2021) -
Learning the ground state of a non-stoquastic quantum Hamiltonian in a rugged neural network landscape
by Marin Bukov, Markus Schmitt, Maxime Dupont,
SciPost Phys. 10, 147 (2021) -
One loop verification of SMEFT Ward Identities
by Tyler Corbett, Michael Trott,
SciPost Phys. 10, 144 (2021) -
Genuine multipartite entanglement in time
by Simon Milz, Cornelia Spee, Zhen-Peng Xu, Felix A. Pollock, Kavan Modi, Otfried Gühne,
SciPost Phys. 10, 141 (2021) -
CP symmetry and symplectic modular invariance
by Gui-Jun Ding, Ferruccio Feruglio, Xiang-Gan Liu,
SciPost Phys. 10, 133 (2021) -
The quasilocal degrees of freedom of Yang-Mills theory
by Henrique Gomes, Aldo Riello,
SciPost Phys. 10, 130 (2021) -
Hierarchy of many-body invariants and quantized magnetization in anomalous Floquet insulators
by Frederik Nathan, Dmitry A. Abanin, Netanel H. Lindner, Erez Berg, Mark S. Rudner,
SciPost Phys. 10, 128 (2021) -
Testing new physics models with global comparisons to collider measurements: the Contur toolkit
by A. Buckley, J. M. Butterworth, L. Corpe, M. Habedank, D. Huang, D. Yallup, M. Altakach, G. Bassman, I. Lagwankar, J. Rocamonde, H. Saunders, B. Waugh, G. Zilgalvis,
SciPost Phys. Core 4, 013 (2021) -
Bulk-boundary-defect correspondence at disclinations in rotation-symmetric topological insulators and superconductors
by Max Geier, Ion Cosma Fulga, Alexander Lau,
SciPost Phys. 10, 092 (2021) -
Raman sideband cooling in optical tweezer arrays for Rydberg dressing
by Nikolaus Lorenz, Lorenzo Festa, Lea-Marina Steinert, Christian Gross,
SciPost Phys. 10, 052 (2021) -
Probing many-body localization in a disordered quantum dimer model on the honeycomb lattice
by Francesca Pietracaprina, Fabien Alet,
SciPost Phys. 10, 044 (2021) -
A study of collider signatures for two Higgs doublet models with a Pseudoscalar mediator to Dark Matter
by Jonathan M. Butterworth, Martin Habedank, Priscilla Pani, Andrius Vaitkus,
SciPost Phys. Core 4, 003 (2021) -
Shape of a sound wave in a weakly-perturbed Bose gas
by Oleksandr V. Marchukov, Artem G. Volosniev,
SciPost Phys. 10, 025 (2021) -
Approaching the Tsirelson bound with a Sagnac source of polarization-entangled photons
by Sandra Meraner, Robert J. Chapman, Stefan Frick, Robert Keil, Maximilian Prilmüller, Gregor Weihs,
SciPost Phys. 10, 017 (2021) -
Topological entanglement properties of disconnected partitions in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
by Tommaso Micallo, Vittorio Vitale, Marcello Dalmonte, Pierre Fromholz,
SciPost Phys. Core 3, 012 (2020) -
Shot noise distinguishes Majorana fermions from vortices injected in the edge mode of a chiral p-wave superconductor
by C. W. J. Beenakker, D. O. Oriekhov,
SciPost Phys. 9, 080 (2020) -
New sensitivity of current LHC measurements to vector-like quarks
by Andy Buckley, Jonathan M. Butterworth, Louie Corpe, Danping Huang, Puwen Sun,
SciPost Phys. 9, 069 (2020) -
Modulation induced transport signatures in correlated electron waveguides
by Gal Shavit, Yuval Oreg,
SciPost Phys. 9, 051 (2020) -
Long-range magnetic order in the ${\tilde S}=1/2$ triangular lattice antiferromagnet KCeS$_2$
by G. Bastien, B. Rubrecht, E. Haeussler, P. Schlender, Z. Zangeneh, S. Avdoshenko, R. Sarkar, A. Alfonsov, S. Luther, Y. A. Onykiienko, H. C. Walker, H. Kühne, V. Grinenko, Z. Guguchia, V. Kataev, H. -H. Klauss, L. Hozoi, J. van den Brink, D. S. Inosov, B. Büchner, A. U. B. Wolter, T. Doert,
SciPost Phys. 9, 041 (2020) -
QED at NNLO with McMule
by P. Banerjee, T. Engel, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich,
SciPost Phys. 9, 027 (2020) -
An optimal observable for color singlet identification
by Andy Buckley, Giuseppe Callea, Andrew J. Larkoski, Simone Marzani,
SciPost Phys. 9, 026 (2020) -
Reinterpretation of LHC Results for New Physics: Status and recommendations after Run 2
by Waleed Abdallah, Shehu AbdusSalam, Azar Ahmadov, Amine Ahriche, Gaël Alguero, Benjamin C. Allanach, Jack Y. Araz, Alexandre Arbey, Chiara Arina, Peter Athron, Emanuele Bagnaschi, Yang Bai, Michael J. Baker, Csaba Balazs, Daniele Barducci, Philip Bechtle, Aoife Bharucha, Andy Buckley, Jonathan Butterworth, Haiying Cai, Claudio Campagnari, Cari Cesarotti, Marcin Chrzaszcz, Andrea Coccaro, Eric Conte, Jonathan M. Cornell, Louie Dartmoor Corpe, Matthias Danninger, Luc Darmé, Aldo Deandrea, Nishita Desai, Barry Dillon, Caterina Doglioni, Juhi Dutta, John R. Ellis, Sebastian Ellis, Farida Fassi, Matthew Feickert, Nicolas Fernandez, Sylvain Fichet, Jernej F. Kamenik, Thomas Flacke, Benjamin Fuks, Achim Geiser, Marie-Hélène Genest, Akshay Ghalsasi, Tomas Gonzalo, Mark Goodsell, Stefania Gori, Philippe Gras, Admir Greljo, Diego Guadagnoli, Sven Heinemeyer, Lukas A. Heinrich, Jan Heisig, Deog Ki Hong, Tetiana Hryn'ova, Katri Huitu, Philip Ilten, Ahmed Ismail, Adil Jueid, Felix Kahlhoefer, Jan Kalinowski, Deepak Kar, Yevgeny Kats, Charanjit K. Khosa, Valeri Khoze, Tobias Klingl, Pyungwon Ko, Kyoungchul Kong, Wojciech Kotlarski, Michael Krämer, Sabine Kraml, Suchita Kulkarni, Anders Kvellestad, Clemens Lange, Kati Lassila-Perini, Seung J. Lee, Andre Lessa, Zhen Liu, Lara Lloret Iglesias, Jeanette M. Lorenz, Danika MacDonell, Farvah Mahmoudi, Judita Mamuzic, Andrea C. Marini, Pete Markowitz, Pablo Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, David Miller, Vasiliki Mitsou, Stefano Moretti, Marco Nardecchia, Siavash Neshatpour, Dao Thi Nhung, Per Osland, Patrick H. Owen, Orlando Panella, Alexander Pankov, Myeonghun Park, Werner Porod, Darren Price, Harrison Prosper, Are Raklev, Jürgen Reuter, Humberto Reyes-González, Thomas Rizzo, Tania Robens, Juan Rojo, Janusz A. Rosiek, Oleg Ruchayskiy, Veronica Sanz, Kai Schmidt-Hoberg, Pat Scott, Sezen Sekmen, Dipan Sengupta, Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy, Hua-Sheng Shao, Seodong Shin, Luca Silvestrini, Ritesh Singh, Sukanya Sinha, Jory Sonneveld, Yotam Soreq, Giordon H. Stark, Tim Stefaniak, Jesse Thaler, Riccardo Torre, Emilio Torrente-Lujan, Gokhan Unel, Natascia Vignaroli, Wolfgang Waltenberger, Nicholas Wardle, Graeme Watt, Georg Weiglein, Martin J. White, Sophie L. Williamson, Jonas Wittbrodt, Lei Wu, Stefan Wunsch, Tevong You, Yang Zhang, José Zurita,
SciPost Phys. 9, 022 (2020) -
Exponentially long lifetime of universal quasi-steady states in topological Floquet pumps
by Tobias Gulden, Erez Berg, Mark S. Rudner, Netanel H. Lindner,
SciPost Phys. 9, 015 (2020) -
Hadronic footprint of GeV-mass dark matter
by Tilman Plehn, Peter Reimitz, Peter Richardson,
SciPost Phys. 8, 092 (2020) -
Fragmentation of two repelling Lund strings
by Cody B. Duncan, Peter Skands,
SciPost Phys. 8, 080 (2020) -
Bonsai-SPH: A GPU accelerated astrophysical Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code
by Jeroen Bédorf, Simon Portegies Zwart,
SciPost Astro. 1, 001 (2020) -
Lattice Bisognano-Wichmann modular Hamiltonian in critical quantum spin chains
by Jiaju Zhang, Pasquale Calabrese, Marcello Dalmonte, M. A. Rajabpour,
SciPost Phys. Core 2, 007 (2020) -
Exploring phase space with Neural Importance Sampling
by Enrico Bothmann, Timo Janßen, Max Knobbe, Tobias Schmale, Steffen Schumann,
SciPost Phys. 8, 069 (2020) -
Parent Hamiltonian reconstruction of Jastrow-Gutzwiller wavefunctions
by Xhek Turkeshi, Marcello Dalmonte,
SciPost Phys. 8, 042 (2020) -
Number-resolved imaging of $^{88}$Sr atoms in a long working distance optical tweezer
by Niamh Christina Jackson, Ryan Keith Hanley, Matthew Hill, Frédéric Leroux, Charles S. Adams, Matthew Philip Austin Jones,
SciPost Phys. 8, 038 (2020) -
Description of continuum structures in a discrete basis: Three-body resonances and two-nucleon decays
by Jesús Casal, Manuela Rodríguez-Gallardo, José M. Arias, Joaquín Gómez-Camacho, Lorenzo Fortunato, Andrea Vitturi,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 036 (2020) -
Fluctuations of work in realistic equilibrium states of quantum systems with conserved quantities
by Jordi Mur-Petit, Armando Relaño, Rafael A. Molina, Dieter Jaksch,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 024 (2020) -
The eikonal model of reactions involving exotic nuclei; Roy Glauber's legacy in today's nuclear physics
by Pierre Capel,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 017 (2020) -
Recent progress on the study of nucleon structure from lattice QCD and future perspectives
by Constantia Alexandrou,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 015 (2020) -
The charged $Z_c$ and $Z_b$ structures in a constituent quark model approach
by Pablo Garcia Ortega, Jorge Segovia, David Rodriguez Entem and Francisco Fernández,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 013 (2020) -
Theoretical study of deeply virtual Compton scattering off $^4$He
by Sara Fucini, Sergio Scopetta, Michele Viviani,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 012 (2020) -
Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and Theory: Rivet version 3
by Christian Bierlich, Andy Buckley, Jonathan Butterworth, Christian Holm Christensen, Louie Corpe, David Grellscheid, Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus, Christian Gutschow, Przemyslaw Karczmarczyk, Jochen Klein, Leif Lonnblad, Christopher Samuel Pollard, Peter Richardson, Holger Schulz, Frank Siegert,
SciPost Phys. 8, 026 (2020) -
Fast simulation of detector effects in Rivet
by Andy Buckley, Deepak Kar, Karl Nordström,
SciPost Phys. 8, 025 (2020) -
Krotov: A Python implementation of Krotov's method for quantum optimal control
by Michael H. Goerz, Daniel Basilewitsch, Fernando Gago-Encinas, Matthias G. Krauss, Karl P. Horn, Daniel M. Reich, Christiane P. Koch,
SciPost Phys. 7, 080 (2019) -
Neutrino non-standard interactions: A status report
by P. S. Bhupal Dev, K. S. Babu, Peter B. Denton, Pedro A. N. Machado, Carlos A. Argüelles, Joshua L. Barrow, Sabya Sachi Chatterjee, Mu-Chun Chen, André de Gouvêa, Bhaskar Dutta, Dorival Gonçalves, Tao Han, Matheus Hostert, Sudip Jana, Kevin J. Kelly, Shirley Weishi Li, Ivan Martinez-Soler, Poonam Mehta, Irina Mocioiu, Yuber F. Perez-Gonzalez, Jordi Salvado, Ian M. Shoemaker, Michele Tammaro, Anil Thapa, Jessica Turner, Xun-Jie Xu,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 2, 001 (2019) -
Relaxation of the order-parameter statistics in the Ising quantum chain
by Mario Collura,
SciPost Phys. 7, 072 (2019) -
Equilibration towards generalized Gibbs ensembles in non-interacting theories
by Marek Gluza, Jens Eisert, Terry Farrelly,
SciPost Phys. 7, 038 (2019) -
Event generation with Sherpa 2.2
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SciPost Phys. 7, 034 (2019) -
QuCumber: wavefunction reconstruction with neural networks
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SciPost Phys. 7, 009 (2019) -
Edge mode locality in perturbed symmetry protected topological order
by Marcel Goihl, Christian Krumnow, Marek Gluza, Jens Eisert, Nicolas Tarantino,
SciPost Phys. 6, 072 (2019) -
Search for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the $Z$ boson into a $\tau$-lepton and a light lepton with the ATLAS detector
by Wing Sheung Chan on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 048 (2019) -
Searching for muon to electron conversion: The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab
by Richard Bonventre on behalf of the Mu2e Collaboration,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 038 (2019) -
Status of the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab
by A. Driutti for the Muon g-2 Collaboration,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 033 (2019) -
Shift-invert diagonalization of large many-body localizing spin chains
by Francesca Pietracaprina, Nicolas Macé, David J. Luitz, Fabien Alet,
SciPost Phys. 5, 045 (2018) -
Modular invariance faces precision neutrino data
by Juan Carlos Criado, Ferruccio Feruglio,
SciPost Phys. 5, 042 (2018)